Wyoming State Water Plan, Wyoming Water Development Office
Rafting on Snake River Lake Marie, Snowy Mountains Wyoming Wind River Range picture

Wind/Bighorn River Basin Advisory Group Meeting
Meeting Record
Cody, WY - Community Room, Big Horn Federal
December 6, 2005 - 3:00 p.m.


Facilitator Jodee Pring, State Engineer.s Office, welcomed the group and the meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. All attendees introduced themselves, followed by a review of the overall meeting agenda. A sign-in sheet was passed around to record attendance. A list of attendees can be found at the end of these minutes. The next meeting is scheduled for April 11, 2006 at 3:00 p.m. in Dubois.

Water Development Commission Report

Jodie Pavlica, WY Water Development Office, went over with the group the schedule for this round of Basin Advisory Group (BAG) meetings. November 7th, the Bear River BAG was held in Evanston, November 8th we met with the Green River BAG in Kemmerer and November 9th we met with the Snake/Salt BAG in Jackson. This week, after this evening.s meeting, we will meet with the Powder/Tongue BAG in Dayton on Wednesday and the Northeast BAG in Sundance on Thursday. We will meet with the Platte River BAG in Torrington next week on December 13th. Please visit the water planning website at http://waterplan.state.wy.us for agendas, meeting locations and meeting records.

Heart Mountain GIS

Lynn Stutzman and Bret Reed of Engineering Associates, gave a presentation on the work that they have been doing for the Heart Mountain Irrigation District. Within the boundaries of the irrigation district, there are approximately 200 miles of canals, laterals and pipelines. Engineering Associates identified all of the diversion structures and documented them with digital pictures. They also surveyed the area using a four-wheeler with a GPS unit attached.

Bret Reed then went through the different GIS layers and showed the audience what they have developed so far.

SEO Division III Water Year Recap

Loren Smith, Superintendent of Water Division III, gave a presentation on Water Year 2005 and what occurred. A copy of his powerpoint presentation can be found here. Mr. Smith went over the reservoir situation (carry-over volume from 2004 and the streamflow that was forecasted for April, May and June). He also gave the particulars for Boysen, Bull Lake and Buffalo Bill reservoirs. Administration activities were the next topic and how the waters were divided in this time of shortage.

State Framework Discussion

Jodie Pavlica, project manager for the Framework Water Plan, gave a powerpoint presentation highlighting where we have been with water planning and what we can look forward to in the Framework Water Plan. A copy of that presentation can be found here.

Ms. Pavlica spoke about how the Basin Advisory Group (BAG) process would be just a bit different during the course of the Framework Water Plan project than what the BAG is accustomed to. One of the things that will be different is that each of the seven basins will choose a BAG representative and an alternate to represent their basin. A handout entitled, .State Framework Water Plan BAG Representative Criteria. was handed out to the group. A copy of that handout can be found here. Ms. Pavlica went through the list of criteria and explained that one of the responsibilities of the representative will be to attend the 5%, 50% and 90% progress review meetings that will be held during the course of this project. The representative will be responsible for delivering information between their BAG and the Framework consultants.

The meeting attendees were then asked to choose two people, a representative and an alternate, to be their spokesperson. After much discussion, the group decided that John Joyce would be their representative and Klodette Stroh would be their alternate.

Jodee Pring then facilitated a discussion with the group concerning their specific basin issues. A spreadsheet was handed out and also projected on the screen for ease of discussion. Information on the spreadsheet was taken from the list of issues that the BAG developed when their basin plan was being written. The purpose of the list is to give the consultants an idea of the concerns and challenges each of the basins are facing. The BAG was asked to review the list and make any changes, additions, deletions, etc. to it. Ms. Pring explained that the spreadsheet is dynamic and will be discussed at all meetings during the course of the Framework Water plan project. Therefore, BAG members can take the list, review it, and tailor it how they see fit.

Understanding that each of the issues on the spreadsheet are important, Ms. Pring then explained to the group that she would like them to discuss and develop a list of their top five most pressing issues. The representative and/or the alternate will then take this list and present it at the 5% Framework Water Plan project meeting to be held sometime in early March. The goal of developing a list of the top 5 most pressing issues is that it will help each of the basins understand the challenges of the other basins and facilitate a discussion among the group and the consultants on what issues Wyoming as a whole is facing.

After much discussion, the attendees developed their top five list. A copy of the entire spreadsheet can be found here: http://www.greenwoodmap.com/framework/msdocs/Wind-BHBAGissues.html

The meeting adjourned at 6:10 p.m.

List of Attendees

Name Organization City
Jerry Bales Cody Canal Cody, WY
Greg Bevenger U.S. Forest Service Cody, WY
Jason Burckhardt WY Game and Fish Dept. Cody, WY
Mark Dallon Bureau of Land Management Worland, WY
Joel DeBruycker Heart Mountain Irrigation District Powell, WY
Dick Geving WY Water Development Commission Cody, WY
Sterling Hansen Cody, WY
Paul Hays Greybull Valley Irrigation District Meeteetse, WY
Johnnie Hubenka Riverton, WY
Heber Jensen State Engineer.s Office Powell, WY
John Joyce Big Horn Regional Joint Powers Board Manderson, WY
Nancy Joyce Big Horn Regional Joint Powers Board Manderson, WY
Lyle Mylar U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Mills, WY
Lori Nordland Shoshone Irrigation District Powell, WY
Jodie Pavlica WY Water Development Office Cheyenne, WY
Jodee Pring State Engineer.s Office Cheyenne, WY
Bret Reed Engineering Associates Cody, WY
Mike Riley State Engineer.s Office Powell, WY
Bill Sheets SMP & NRWD Cody, WY
Loren Smith State Engineer.s Office Riverton, WY
Bryant Startin Shoshone Irrigation District Powell, WY
Klodette Stroh Shoshone Irrigation District Powell, WY
Lynn Stutzman Engineering Associates Cody, WY
Landis Webber State Engineer.s Office Powell, WY

Meeting Minutes

Wyoming Water Update - Wind/Bighorn River Basin

BLM Worland Field Office
101 S. 23rd St.,
Worland, WY

March 15, 2016
6:00 pm

  1. Welcome
    • Staff Introductions
    • Pass around sign-in sheet (please make sure to sign/check this for future meetings)
  2. Audience Introductions
  3. "Quantifying Return Flow in the Upper Wind River Basin" - Ginger Paige, UW, Associate Professor Water Resources, Dept. of Ecosystem Science and Management
  4. Water and Climate Atlas - Water Resources Data System (WRDS) - Jalynda Mckay
  5. Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO) Project Updates - Kevin Boyce and Peter Gill, Project Managers
  6. Snowpack Data - Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) - Lee Hackleman
  7. Reservoir Update - Bureau of Reclamation
  8. Weather Modification Program - Barry Lawrence, Planning Director, WWDO
  9. Other topics