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Water Development Office

BAG Meeting No. 7
Meeting Notes
April 30, 2009 6:00PM
White Mountain Library
Rock Springs, WY

The meeting generally followed the format of the agenda distributed by the WWDO:

1. Introductions

Chace Tavelli introduced the team and presented several logistical details about the meeting.

2. Description and purpose of meeting

Chace described the broad goals of the planning update and made mention of the WGS effort on updating groundwater information. Chace described the handouts at the meeting (comment card and issues list), and the methods through which the State and Planning Team was collecting input.

3. Consultant Update No. 1

Meg Frantz, Boyle-AECOM, provided an update on the Task 3 water availability work she is leading. Her presentation was organized to cover three subjects, including spreadsheet models in general, updated availability estimates using spreadsheet models, and work using the Statemod model.

In general, all of the updated estimates of water availability are less than they were presented in the 2001 plan, and the difference is primarily attributed to the change in hydrologic records. Since 2001, the basin has experienced a number of drier than normal years. This fact has resulted in a downward shift in what the normal year now represents. In other words, normal is .drier. than it was in 2001.

In addition to showing the effects of drier data on the availability of water, Meg showed a couple of slides depicting the constraints in stream flow water rights actually have on the availability of water estimates. In stream flow water rights are just like other projects because they are allocated water from the available supply, thus not allowing other uses. This is even though the in stream right is not consumptive.

The complete power point presentation can be viewed or downloaded from the Green River Basin Plan Update section of the WDO water planning website.

4. Consultant Update No. 2

Murray Schroeder, WWC Engineering, presented a power point presentation on the Strategies work WWC has been working on throughout the project. His presentation included tabulations of the responses to the stakeholder phone survey and the facilitated BAG meetings. These two sources of data provided a list of broad strategy groups and specific strategy ideas.

The complete power point presentation can be viewed or downloaded from the Green River Basin Plan Update section of the WDO water planning website.


A break followed the BAG meeting.

The BAG meeting was well attended, with an estimate of 50 to 75. An attendance sheet was circulated and collected by the WDO Staff.

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