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State of Wyoming
Water Planning

Questions 82-94

Number of respondents = 1399

82. How important are the following uses of water to you personally? Please rank the categories, with 1 being most important use of water and 6 being the least important.

* Mean was calculated using only the respondents that ranked this factor.

9.1% Did not rank any of the 6 factors

41.0% Ranked 1st 32.0% Ranked 1st 3.1% Ranked 1st
22.1% Ranked 2nd 18.7% Ranked 2nd 16.0% Ranked 2nd
13.7% Ranked 3rd 11.9% Ranked 3rd 19.8% Ranked 3rd
8.9% Ranked 4th 16.4% Ranked 4th 18.6% Ranked 4th
2.6% Ranked 5th 5.0% Ranked 5th 13.2% Ranked 5th
1.4% Ranked 6th 6.0% Ranked 6th 17.9% Ranked 6th
1.2% Did not rank factor 0.9% Did not rank factor 2.4% Did not rank factor
2.04 Mean 2.58 Mean 3.86 Mean
2.4% Ranked 1st 0.9% Ranked 1st 11.6% Ranked 1st
7.7% Ranked 2nd 4.6% Ranked 2nd 20.7% Ranked 2nd
14.1% Ranked 3rd 8.9% Ranked 3rd 20.6% Ranked 3rd
15.9% Ranked 4th 15.1% Ranked 4th 13.2% Ranked 4th
25.0% Ranked 5th 27.2% Ranked 5th 14.7% Ranked 5th
23.1% Ranked 6th 31.4% Ranked 6th 7.7% Ranked 6th
2.6% Did not rank factor 2.9% Did not rank factor 2.4% Did not rank factor
4.39 Mean 4.79 Mean 3.25 Mean

83. How important are the following uses of water to the state of Wyoming? Please rank the categories with 1 being most important use of water and 6 being the least important.

* Mean was calculated using only the respondents that ranked this factor.

10.3% Did not rank any of the 6 factors

42.5% Ranked 1st 29.2% Ranked 1st 2.5% Ranked 1st
19.6% Ranked 2nd 25.2% Ranked 2nd 9.4% Ranked 2nd
11.2% Ranked 3rd 12.8% Ranked 3rd 18.0% Ranked 3rd
9.8% Ranked 4th 11.4% Ranked 4th 20.7% Ranked 4th
4.1% Ranked 5th 5.8% Ranked 5th 19.3% Ranked 5th
1.7% Ranked 6th 4.8% Ranked 6th 18.1% Ranked 6th
0.8% Did not rank factor 0.4% Did not rank factor 1.6% Did not rank factor
2.08 Mean 2.48 Mean 4.13 Mean
7.4% Ranked 1st 1.2% Ranked 1st 6.9% Ranked 1st
15.7% Ranked 2nd 4.6% Ranked 2nd 14.3% Ranked 2nd
20.3% Ranked 3rd 9.2% Ranked 3rd 17.1% Ranked 3rd
14.7% Ranked 4th 14.6% Ranked 4th 16.8% Ranked 4th
19.6% Ranked 5th 17.0% Ranked 5th 21.9% Ranked 5th
10.7% Ranked 6th 41.2% Ranked 6th 11.2% Ranked 6th
1.4% Did not rank factor 1.9% Did not rank factor 1.6% Did not rank factor
3.63 Mean 4.88 Mean 3.75 Mean

84. States adjacent to and down river from Wyoming annually spend from $500,000 to $5 million on water resource planning. How much should Wyoming spend annually on water resource planning?
8.7% Below $500,000 4.9% $3 million to below $3,999,999
18.4% $500,000 to $999,999 1.5% $4 million to $4,999,999
13.4% $1 million to below $1,999,999 4.4% $5 million or more
7.4% $2 million to below $2,999,99941.4% Don't Know

85. Which format or formats would you prefer for receiving information about the state water planning process? (Check all that apply)
64.5% Regular newsletters mailed to my home
15.5% A 1-800 number I could call for information
30.5% Regular public meeting in or near my community
42.6% Electronic media, such as computer e-mail or web pages
14.0% Information available for review at my local library
56.0% Regular stories in my local newspaper or on my local radio and TV stations
14.0% Information provided through my membership in interest groups
2.5% Don't know

86. How knowledgeable do you consider yourself of local and state water issues?
6.7% Extremely knowledgeable
24.1% Very knowledgeable
44.2% Fairly knowledgeable
18.9% Somewhat knowledgeable
4.9% Not very knowledgeable
1.3% Don't know

87. Do you or anyone in your immediate family own water rights to rivers or streams in Wyoming?
38.5% Yes58.9% No 2.6% Don't know
88. Do you or anyone in your immediate family own water rights to groundwater in Wyoming?
44.7% Yes 50.9% No 4.4% Don't know

89. Which of the following best describes the community in which you live?
29.8% City with a population of 25,000 or more
14.9% City or town with a population between 10,000 and 25,000
24.5% Town with a population under 10,000
29.9% Rural area
0.9% Don't know

90. In which major river basin do you live?
9.6% Green River Basin or Little Snake Basin
2.1% Bear River Basin
4.9% Snake River Basin
18.5% Wind River Basin, Bighorn River Basin, or Clarks Fork River Basin
9.9% Powder River Basin, Tongue River Basin, or Little Bighorn River Basin
7.1% Northeast Wyoming River Basins (Cheyenne, Belle Fourche, Little Missouri and Niobrara Rivers)
47.2% Platte River Basin or Laramie River Basin
0.6% Don't know

91. To the nearest year, how long have you lived in Wyoming?
5.1% 1-5 years11.7% 16-20 years24.9% Over 50 years
5.4% 6-10 years21.2% 21-35 years 1.1% Don't know/No answer
5.6% 11-15 years25.0% 36-50 years

92. Do you have a degree from a four year college or university?
72.7% Yes 26.2% No 1.1% Don't know

93. How young are you?
0.2% 25 and under33.1% 46 to 55 years
6.5% 26-35 years 16.4% 56 to 65 years
28.9% 36-45 years12.9% Over 65 years
2.1% Don't know/No answer

94. About how much was your 1996 household gross annual income?
2.4% less than $20,000
17.9% $20,000 to $39,999
24.2% $40,000 to $59,000
19.4% $60,000 to $79,999
11.1% $80,000 to $99,999
6.3% $100,000 to $119,999
2.8% $120,000 to $139,999
7.8% $140,000 and above
8.1% Don't know/No answer

Questionnaire Index | Summary | Process Questions (1-44) | Issue Questions (45-81) | Demographics Questions (82-94)

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