Meeting Agenda
Platte River Basin Advisory Group
Wyoming Water Development Office, Downstairs Conference Room
6920 Yellowtail Road
Cheyenne, WY
May 11, 2015
6:00 pm
- Welcome
- Staff Introductions
- Expectations for the meeting
- Pass around sign-in sheet (please make sure to sign/check this for future meetings)
- Audience Introductions
- Platte River Basin Plan Update - Wenck Associates, Inc.
- Upper Laramie River and Middle North Platte-Glendo Watershed Sutdies: Jodie Pavlica and Tony Rutherford, Project Managers - WWDO
- North Platte Decree Committee: Pat Tyrrell, State Engineer - SEO
- Probable Maximum Precipitation Study: Dave Myer, Project Manager - WWDO
- Governor's Water Strategy: Harry LaBonde, Director - WWDO
- Summary of Water Strategy as it relates to Water Development
- Weather Modification Program (Medicine Bow/Sierra Madre Ranges, Final Design and Permitting, and Laramie Range, Siting and Design Study): Harry LaBonde, Director - WWDO
- Roundtable discussion/topics
- Adjourn