Wyoming State Water Plan, Wyoming Water Development Office
Rafting on Snake River Lake Marie, Snowy Mountains Wyoming Wind River Range picture

Northeast Wyoming River Basins Water Plan
Technical Memoranda

SUBJECT: Appendix M
Available Surface Water Determination

PREPARED BY: HKM Engineering Inc.

DATE: February 2002


Spreadsheet water accounting models have been developed for the following four primary subbasins in the Northeast Wyoming River Basins planning area to represent streamflows under current levels of development.

  1. Redwater Creek
  2. Beaver Creek
  3. Cheyenne River
  4. Belle Fourche River
The models are described in the Spreadsheet Model Development and Calibration memorandum (HKM, 2002). These models are tools for identifying water shortages as well as flows that are available to Wyoming water users for future development, and to assess the impacts of potential projects at a planning level. The models are developed to represent wet year, normal year, and dry year hydrologic conditions in each of the individual subbasins. The development of monthly streamflow inputs to the model for the three hydrologic conditions is presented in the Surface Water Hydrology memorandum (HKM, 2002).

The purpose of the current task is to analyze the results of the spreadsheet model runs to determine where water shortages currently exist and to determine the location, quantity, and timing of available flows for future development.


HKM reviewed the results of the water availability modeling runs to make a determination of where water shortages occur under existing conditions. It is recognized that almost every area of the Northeast Wyoming River Basins planning area can be considered water short during severe dry years such as were experienced during the summer of 2001. The purpose of this investigation is to identify those areas that experience relatively high shortages in comparison to other areas in the Basin. The areas listed in Table 1 were identified as being water short in a typical year.

Table 1
Water Short Areas during Normal Hydrologic Conditions
River Basin Stream
Beaver Creek Beaver Creek
Oil Creek
Cheyenne River Dry Fork Cheyenne River
Woody Creek
Sheep Creek
Wagonhound Creek
Lodgepole Creek
Snyder Creek
Boggy Creek
Seven Mile Creek
Mule Creek
Robbers' Roost Creek
Belle Fourche River Timber Creek & Buffalo Creek
Donkey Creek
Trail Cr, Dry Cr, & Robinson Cr
Miller Cr & Deer Cr
Wind Cr & Mule Cr
Arch Cr, Inyan Kara Cr, Cabin Cr, & Miller Cr
Pine Cr, Kilpatrick Cr, Kruger Cr, & Oak Cr


Each basin model is divided into a number of reaches, each composed of several nodes, or water balance points. Reaches are typically defined by gages or confluences, and represent tributary basins or subsections of the mainstem. A Reach Outflow worksheet is provided in each model summarizing the monthly flow at the downstream end of each reach. The information provided in these summaries is the basis for this analysis.

While simulated flow at the reach terminus indicates the estimated amount of water physically present, it does not fully reflect availability. Downstream demands relying on the water physically available at any given location must first be accounted for. These downstream demands fall into three general categories:

  1. Existing irrigation, or municipal diversions
  2. Instream flow constraints
  3. Compact constraints
Available Flow in Excess of Existing Diversion Demands

To determine how much of the physical supply is actually available in excess of existing demands, "available flow" at each reach terminus is defined as the minimum of the physically available flow at that point, and the "available flow" at all downstream reaches. Thus available flow must be defined first at the most downstream point, with upstream availability calculated in stream order. These calculations are made on a monthly basis, and annual water availability is computed as the sum of monthly values. Note that calculating annual availability in this way yields a different result than applying the same logic to annual flows for each reach. The summation of monthly values is more accurate, reflecting constraints of downstream use on a monthly basis.

Instream Flow Constraints

Instream flow rights exert a demand on the river but do not affect physical supply, because the water is not removed from the stream. Sufficient flow must be bypassed through upstream reaches to satisfy downstream instream flow requirements. The available flow for reaches located upstream from permitted instream flows are determined as the minimum of physical flow at that point, and available flow in excess of existing diversion demands less the instream flow requirement at the downstream reach.

There is only one permitted instream flow right in the planning area. This right, for a 2.5-mile reach of Sand Creek in the Redwater Creek drainage, is described in the Environmental Use memorandum (HKM, 2002). The available flow in Reach 1 of the Redwater Creek sub-basin was calculated taking this instream flow demand into consideration.

The reach by reach results of the monthly available flow determination, accounting for the instream flow constraints, are provided in Tables 2 through 13 for each of the four subbasins and for each of the three hydrologic conditions (wet, normal, and dry years). The total annual available flow is summarized in Table 14 for each subbasin and hydrologic condition.

Table 14
Total Annual Available Flow
Subbasin Hydrologic Condition
Wet Years Normal Years Dry Years
Redwater Creek 34,000 26,000 17,000
Beaver Creek 30,000 20,000 14,000
Cheyenne River 103,000 31,000 5,000
Belle Fourche River 151,000 71,000 13,000

Table 2
Available Flow for Redwater Creek Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Wet Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Sand Creek 1 484 478 643 865 1,808 2,087 1,381 1,382 946 495 347 247 10,680
2 South Redwater Creek 632 588 701 762 1,158 1,192 833 862 672 689 688 663 8,808
3 S Redwater Cr below Sand Cr 2,137 1,980 2,341 2,586 4,108 4,374 2,946 2,981 2,558 2,308 2,236 2,190 30,607
4 Redwater Creek 321 299 356 365 504 398 159 204 172 338 331 327 3,453
5 Redwater Cr beow S Redwater Cr 2,498 2,317 2,718 3,012 4,712 4,772 3,104 3,185 2,730 2,646 2,567 2,517 34,279

Note: 1Coinstrained by Instream Flow Rights of 16 cfs (January 1 - April 30), 18 cfs (May 1 - October 31), and 21 cfs (November 1 - December 31).

Table 3
Available Flow for Redwater Creek Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Normal Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Sand Creek 1 244 270 379 494 1,462 1,126 836 839 565 238 40 0 6,249
2 South Redwater Creek 529 499 587 592 992 717 568 602 500 577 556 549 6,738
3 S Redwater Cr below Sand Cr 1,737 1,685 1,964 2,048 3,603 2,956 2,128 2,117 2,022 1,874 1,804 1,776 23,977
4 Redwater Creek 259 253 298 274 401 121 8 50 74 269 264 263 2,274
5 Redwater Cr beow S Redwater Cr 1,996 1,976 2,280 2,386 4,025 3,077 2,135 2,167 2,096 2,143 2,063 2,038 26,391

Note: 1Coinstrained by Instream Flow Rights of 16 cfs (January 1 - April 30), 18 cfs (May 1 - October 31), and 21 cfs (November 1 - December 31).

Table 4
Available Flow for Redwater Creek Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Dry Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Sand Creek 1 52 18 3 59 287 335 248 202 152 0 0 0 1,303
2 South Redwater Creek 446 390 425 391 420 362 315 355 306 445 461 458 4,329
3 S Redwater Cr below Sand Cr 1,343 1,216 1,426 1,417 1,673 1,671 1,441 1,538 1,577 1,285 1,411 1,379 16,034
4 Redwater Creek 200 182 216 153 27 0 0 0 0 180 204 203 1,164
5 Redwater Cr beow S Redwater Cr 1,543 1,398 1,642 1,665 1,700 1,671 1,441 1,538 1,577 1,465 1,615 1,582 17,293

Note: 1Coinstrained by Instream Flow Rights of 16 cfs (January 1 - April 30), 18 cfs (May 1 - October 31), and 21 cfs (November 1 - December 31).

Table 5
Available Flow for Beaver Creek Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Wet Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Beaver Cr above Oil Cr 33 635 1,752 0 1,011 0 50 5 0 73 36 22 3,585
2 Oil Creek 71 2,281 3,700 1,887 1,348 0 0 1,245 0 118 0 0 10,578
3 Beaver Cr above Blacktail Cr 149 2,916 5,452 1,971 2,359 176 184 1,250 53 204 172 99 14,836
4 Blacktail Cr 159 209 131 340 166 727 351 31 130 95 148 152 2,480
5 Beaver Cr above Stockdale Beaver Cr 308 3,125 5,583 2,311 2,525 903 535 1,281 183 299 320 251 17,317
6 Dry Beaver Creek 117 139 203 194 79 137 143 3 49 72 108 99 1,226
7 Beaver Cr in South Dakota 116 138 201 192 79 136 141 3 49 72 107 98 1,214
8 Stockdale Beaver Cr Tribs above Gage 06392950 415 429 649 495 292 416 423 9 161 262 389 382 3,907
9 Stockdale Beaver Cr above Gage 06392950 648 739 1,075 880 451 689 707 15 259 407 604 578 6,403
10 Stockdale Beaver Cr above Mouth 648 1,373 1,288 880 451 1,175 707 15 259 407 604 587 7,737
11 Stockdale Beaver Cr Tribs above Mouth 10 438 1,251 0 667 0 49 0 0 9 0 0 2,414
12 Beaver Cr Tribs above Gage 06394000 6 282 804 0 396 0 16 0 0 1 0 0 1,499
13 Beaver Cr above Gage 06394000 972 5,219 8,927 3,822 4,038 2,079 1,308 1,296 422 715 924 829 29,599
14 Beaver Cr above Stateline 977 5,221 8,929 3,822 4,038 2,079 1,308 1,296 422 727 936 836 29,635

Table 6
Available Flow for Beaver Creek Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Normal Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Beaver Cr above Oil Cr 16 79 399 0 132 0 0 0 0 12 17 8 647
2 Oil Creek 49 1,320 4,532 0 2,591 0 0 437 0 178 0 0 9,057
3 Beaver Cr above Blacktail Cr 118 1,399 4,931 25 2,963 135 182 696 55 189 145 104 10,822
4 Blacktail Cr 135 40 136 475 311 865 482 115 157 64 127 149 2,921
5 Beaver Cr above Stockdale Beaver Cr 253 1,439 5,067 502 3,333 999 664 811 212 253 271 253 13,805
6 Dry Beaver Creek 93 15 63 159 48 116 117 0 29 48 82 103 779
7 Beaver Cr in South Dakota 92 15 62 157 48 115 115 0 29 47 81 102 772
8 Stockdale Beaver Cr Tribs above Gage 06392950 369 51 208 424 199 411 396 0 90 172 328 387 2,667
9 Stockdale Beaver Cr above Gage 06392950 554 81 333 746 295 642 628 0 148 267 492 592 4,224
10 Stockdale Beaver Cr above Mouth 554 81 333 977 295 1,135 893 0 148 267 492 592 5,213
11 Stockdale Beaver Cr Tribs above Mouth 5 55 284 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 452
12 Beaver Cr Tribs above Gage 06394000 3 35 183 0 39 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 257
13 Beaver Cr above Gage 06394000 815 1,610 5,867 1,824 4,129 2,134 1,557 811 360 520 763 846 20,421
14 Beaver Cr above Stateline 821 1,614 5,870 1,824 4,129 2,134 1,557 811 360 536 779 855 20,468

Table 7
Available Flow for Beaver Creek Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Dry Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Beaver Cr above Oil Cr 2 14 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 28
2 Oil Creek 63 625 3,045 0 953 0 0 0 0 95 0 0 4,718
3 Beaver Cr above Blacktail Cr 78 639 3,054 38 953 298 337 310 144 95 127 55 6,050
4 Blacktail Cr 127 57 97 572 113 915 717 139 225 46 115 137 3,134
5 Beaver Cr above Stockdale Beaver Cr 205 697 3,152 626 1,066 1,212 1,106 590 368 142 242 192 9,393
6 Dry Beaver Creek 56 6 5 91 41 94 55 63 0 28 65 61 509
7 Beaver Cr in South Dakota 56 6 5 90 41 94 54 62 0 28 64 60 504
8 Stockdale Beaver Cr Tribs above Gage 06392950 424 32 30 467 221 300 209 254 0 165 391 427 2,496
9 Stockdale Beaver Cr above Gage 06392950 536 43 41 648 304 488 317 379 0 221 520 548 3,509
10 Stockdale Beaver Cr above Mouth 536 43 41 933 304 488 317 379 0 221 520 548 3,794
11 Stockdale Beaver Cr Tribs above Mouth 0 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 16
12 Beaver Cr Tribs above Gage 06394000 0 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
13 Beaver Cr above Gage 06394000 741 756 3,202 1,887 1,370 1,701 1,424 1,162 368 363 762 740 13,734
14 Beaver Cr above Stateline 746 759 3,205 1,887 1,370 1,701 1,424 1,162 368 377 777 749 13,778

Table 8
Available Flow for Cheyenne River Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Wet Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Dry Fork Cheyenne River 8 35 9 118 1,354 287 113 9 0 7 22 13 1,967
2 Dry Fork Cheyenne River Tribs above Gage 06365900 8 167 102 0 1,062 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 1,341
3 Willow Creek 3 62 38 13 518 18 30 15 0 10 0 0 704
4 Woody Creek 0 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13
5 Lake Creek 1 19 12 4 157 5 9 5 0 3 0 0 213
6 Dry Fork Cheyenne River above Antelope Cr 20 292 166 141 3,237 384 152 29 9 37 35 18 4,501
7 Antelope Creek 25 122 37 1,148 11,263 7,410 756 81 69 174 338 28 21,427
8 Cheyenne River above Gage 06365900 46 414 203 1,289 14,535 7,795 908 110 77 211 378 46 25,968
9 Cheyenne River above Sheep Cr 148 489 203 1,756 19,607 13,390 908 110 222 211 378 46 37,321
10 Cheyenne River Tribs above Gage 06386500 46 461 473 0 1,046 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,980
11 Sheep Creek 1 9 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
12 Wagonhound Creek 2 20 20 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60
13 Cheyenne River above Black Thunder Cr 224 996 707 1,756 20,862 13,390 908 110 222 211 378 84 39,624
14 Black Thunder Creek 375 888 369 680 7,434 1,540 595 134 4,195 228 15 0 16,078
15 Cheyenne River above Lodgepole Cr 612 1,891 1,075 2,436 28,332 14,929 1,504 244 4,417 439 393 85 55,745
16 Lodgepole Creek 3 4 17 91 834 294 24 1 0 0 2 1 1,268
17 Cheyenne River above Snyder Cr 616 1,896 1,092 2,527 29,165 15,223 1,528 245 4,417 439 395 86 57,013
18 Snyder Cr 9 91 94 0 289 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 474
19 Cheyenne River above Boggy Cr 635 1,993 1,185 2,527 29,461 15,223 1,528 245 4,417 439 395 86 57,500
20 Boggy Creek 3 25 26 0 71 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 122
21 Cheyenne River above Lance Cr 638 2,018 1,211 2,527 29,532 15,223 1,528 245 4,417 439 395 86 57,621
22 Seven Mile Creek 1 12 12 0 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65
23 Lance Creek 1,233 1,170 479 2,596 24,203 9,777 2,987 845 2,594 119 79 59 44,909
24 Mule Creek 4 39 40 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80
25 Cheyenne River above Robbers' Roost Cr 1,876 3,240 1,742 5,123 53,775 25,000 4,514 1,091 7,012 559 474 144 102,675
26 Robbers' Roost Creek 6 56 57 0 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 138
27 Cheyenne River above Gage 06386500 2,078 3,418 1,800 5,123 54,135 25,000 4,514 1,091 7,012 559 474 144 103,270
28 Cheyenne River above above Stateline 2,084 3,422 1,801 5,125 54,140 25,002 4,517 1,094 7,030 586 490 154 103,362

Table 9
Available Flow for Cheyenne River Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Normal Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Dry Fork Cheyenne River 2 6 3 30 106 42 26 3 0 2 5 5 244
2 Dry Fork Cheyenne River Tribs above Gage 06365900 9 108 55 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0 0 183
3 Willow Creek 3 40 21 10 97 6 18 15 0 11 0 0 225
4 Woody Creek 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
5 Lake Creek 1 12 6 3 29 2 5 4 0 3 0 0 68
6 Dry Fork Cheyenne River above Antelope Cr 16 171 88 44 335 88 50 22 5 41 7 8 860
7 Antelope Creek 18 83 72 530 573 1,032 355 69 45 50 13 16 2,837
8 Cheyenne River above Gage 06365900 35 254 160 573 908 1,120 405 90 50 91 20 23 3,696
9 Cheyenne River above Sheep Cr 57 254 160 573 2,589 1,922 405 90 128 91 20 23 6,341
10 Cheyenne River Tribs above Gage 06386500 27 225 174 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 399
11 Sheep Creek 1 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
12 Wagonhound Creek 1 10 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17
13 Cheyenne River above Black Thunder Cr 113 493 345 573 2,821 1,922 405 90 128 91 95 26 7,074
14 Black Thunder Creek 44 97 126 196 2,696 903 53 16 834 69 12 0 5,120
15 Cheyenne River above Lodgepole Cr 169 590 471 769 5,568 2,825 458 106 962 160 107 26 12,193
16 Lodgepole Creek 1 1 8 8 368 80 0 0 0 0 1 0 480
17 Cheyenne River above Snyder Cr 170 591 479 777 5,936 2,905 458 106 962 160 108 27 12,674
18 Snyder Cr 5 44 34 0 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 187
19 Cheyenne River above Boggy Cr 186 635 513 777 6,074 2,905 458 106 962 160 108 27 12,861
20 Boggy Creek 1 12 9 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34
21 Cheyenne River above Lance Cr 188 646 522 777 6,085 2,905 458 106 962 160 108 27 12,895
22 Seven Mile Creek 1 6 5 0 18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29
23 Lance Creek 332 498 186 756 8,465 3,984 1,480 405 2,363 26 51 22 18,323
24 Mule Creek 2 19 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33
25 Cheyenne River above Robbers' Roost Cr 523 1,169 727 1,534 14,567 6,889 1,938 511 3,325 186 159 48 31,280
26 Robbers' Roost Creek 3 26 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 47
27 Cheyenne River above Gage 06386500 695 1,196 748 1,534 14,793 6,889 1,938 511 3,325 186 159 48 31,328
28 Cheyenne River above above Stateline 702 1,200 750 1,538 14,800 6,894 1,944 518 3,344 216 177 59 31,434

Table 10
Available Flow for Cheyenne River Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Dry Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Dry Fork Cheyenne River 0 2 2 6 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 1 24
2 Dry Fork Cheyenne River Tribs above Gage 06365900 1 19 26 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 44
3 Willow Creek 0 7 10 1 33 7 1 2 0 1 0 0 60
4 Woody Creek 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
5 Lake Creek 0 2 3 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 18
6 Dry Fork Cheyenne River above Antelope Cr 2 31 42 7 44 9 7 2 4 8 2 2 164
7 Antelope Creek 18 38 70 94 70 52 74 13 72 22 11 9 534
8 Cheyenne River above Gage 06365900 30 73 112 102 114 61 81 16 75 33 13 14 705
9 Cheyenne River above Sheep Cr 30 73 112 102 138 61 81 16 75 33 13 14 707
10 Cheyenne River Tribs above Gage 06386500 1 33 36 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69
11 Sheep Creek 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
12 Wagonhound Creek 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3
13 Cheyenne River above Black Thunder Cr 57 123 150 102 138 61 81 16 75 116 100 49 1,007
14 Black Thunder Creek 60 9 24 19 58 97 6 0 0 1 9 0 358
15 Cheyenne River above Lodgepole Cr 130 140 174 121 196 158 87 16 75 188 146 49 1,482
16 Lodgepole Creek 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
17 Cheyenne River above Snyder Cr 130 140 176 121 196 158 87 16 75 188 147 49 1,491
18 Snyder Cr 0 7 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14
19 Cheyenne River above Boggy Cr 143 154 183 121 196 158 87 16 75 188 147 49 1,511
20 Boggy Creek 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4
21 Cheyenne River above Lance Cr 143 155 185 121 196 158 87 16 75 188 147 49 1,515
22 Seven Mile Creek 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
23 Lance Creek 683 240 91 353 1,538 604 100 35 204 71 69 18 3,184
24 Mule Creek 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6
25 Cheyenne River above Robbers' Roost Cr 826 399 279 473 1,734 762 187 51 280 259 216 67 4,706
26 Robbers' Roost Creek 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8
27 Cheyenne River above Gage 06386500 953 430 283 473 1,734 762 187 51 280 259 216 67 4,742
28 Cheyenne River above above Stateline 959 435 286 478 1,743 776 204 68 304 295 237 79 4,911

Table 11
Available Flow for Belle Fourche River Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Wet Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Belle Fourche River above Caballo Cr 43 44 212 253 732 1,380 0 0 0 24 0 13 2,658
2 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06426500 5 34 182 0 101 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 328
3 Caballo Creek 11 7 77 58 568 589 0 0 0 16 0 1 1,316
4 Dry Cr, Yellow Hammer CR, Whitetail CR, & Four Horse Cr 4 27 146 11 110 39 0 0 0 13 0 0 346
5 Belle Fourche River above Buffalo Cr 63 112 618 323 1,511 2,008 0 0 0 63 0 13 4,648
6 Raven Creek 2 15 79 6 60 22 0 0 0 6 0 0 187
7 Buffalo Cr & Timber Cr 4 31 164 0 17 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 214
8 Belle Fourche River above Donkey Cr 69 157 862 329 1,588 2,030 0 0 0 71 0 13 5,049
9 Donkey Creek 161 148 845 2,063 1,801 3,402 0 0 0 68 0 44 8,371
10 Trail Cr, Dry Cr, & Robinson Cr 1 8 43 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59
11 Belle Fourche River above Gage 06426500 231 314 1,750 2,391 3,397 5,432 0 0 0 139 0 57 13,479
12 Belle Fourche River above Keyhole Reservoir 231 314 1,750 2,391 3,397 6,133 0 0 0 139 0 57 14,181
13 Tribs to Keyhole Reservoir 7 37 281 0 148 0 0 0 0 8 0 0 474
14 Miller Cr, Lone Tree Cr, Deer Cr, & Eggie Cr 10 58 432 8 247 0 0 0 0 13 0 0 757
15 Duck Cr, Smoke Cr, Berger Cr, Wind Cr, Mule Cr, & Cottonwood Cr 17 99 740 20 438 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 1,319
16 Keyhole Reservoir 265 508 3,202 2,420 4,230 6,133 0 0 0 181 0 57 16,731
17 Belle Fourche River above Inyan Kara Cr 265 508 3,202 2,420 4,230 6,499 0 0 0 181 0 57 17,096
18 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06428200 247 531 2,674 1,552 2,690 1,771 0 0 0 158 0 45 9,422
19 Arch Cr, Inyan Kara Cr, Cabin Cr, & Miller Cr 491 637 2,997 2,930 3,249 3,822 0 0 0 580 668 199 15,082
20 Belle Fourche River above Whitetail Cr 1,003 1,676 8,872 6,902 10,169 12,091 1,364 0 0 919 668 301 42,964
21 Whitetail Cr, Blacktail Cr, Lytle Cr, & Beaver Cr 726 1,384 5,165 4,440 5,427 4,778 0 0 0 481 164 175 22,013
22 Belle Fourche River above Gage 06428200 1,729 3,060 14,037 11,342 15,597 16,869 2,223 0 0 1,400 832 476 65,836
23 Belle Fourche River above Arnold Cr 1,729 3,060 14,037 11,342 15,597 18,643 3,408 0 0 1,400 832 476 68,795
24 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06428500 970 2,233 6,574 3,777 6,391 3,896 0 0 0 780 428 458 24,537
25 Arnold Cr & East Cr 592 2,012 6,126 3,244 5,645 2,330 0 0 0 274 0 145 19,776
26 Belle Fourche River above Horse Cr 3,291 7,305 26,738 18,364 27,633 24,869 4,691 256 0 2,453 1,260 1,080 114,649
27 Horse Cr, Pine Cr, Kruger Cr, Kilpatrick Cr, & Oak Cr 1,222 4,706 11,718 5,395 9,981 3,430 0 0 0 677 60 412 36,379
28 Belle Fourche River above Stateline 4,513 12,011 38,456 23,759 37,615 28,299 4,758 256 0 3,130 1,320 1,491 151,096

Table 12
Available Flow for Belle Fourche River Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Normal Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Belle Fourche River above Caballo Cr 8 9 33 87 141 318 0 0 0 29 0 10 618
2 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06426500 1 6 15 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 24
3 Caballo Creek 2 1 13 20 100 63 0 0 0 18 0 0 209
4 Dry Cr, Yellow Hammer CR, Whitetail CR, & Four Horse Cr 1 5 12 3 17 3 0 0 0 17 0 0 51
5 Belle Fourche River above Buffalo Cr 11 21 73 110 258 383 0 0 0 72 0 11 915
6 Raven Creek 0 2 7 2 10 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 29
7 Buffalo Cr & Timber Cr 1 5 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 19
8 Belle Fourche River above Donkey Cr 12 29 93 112 267 385 0 0 0 80 0 11 963
9 Donkey Creek 56 59 187 1,166 565 917 0 0 0 103 0 49 3,031
10 Trail Cr, Dry Cr, & Robinson Cr 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5
11 Belle Fourche River above Gage 06426500 68 89 283 1,278 832 1,302 0 0 0 183 0 60 3,999
12 Belle Fourche River above Keyhole Reservoir 68 89 283 1,278 832 1,302 0 0 0 183 0 60 3,999
13 Tribs to Keyhole Reservoir 8 43 117 17 144 0 0 0 0 14 0 0 334
14 Miller Cr, Lone Tree Cr, Deer Cr, & Eggie Cr 13 67 180 44 248 0 0 0 0 23 0 0 563
15 Duck Cr, Smoke Cr, Berger Cr, Wind Cr, Mule Cr, & Cottonwood Cr 21 115 309 84 448 0 0 0 0 40 0 0 995
16 Keyhole Reservoir 110 314 890 1,423 1,672 1,302 0 0 0 260 0 60 5,892
17 Belle Fourche River above Inyan Kara Cr 110 314 890 1,423 1,672 2,643 0 0 0 260 0 60 7,262
18 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06428200 97 324 930 832 1,354 0 0 0 0 116 0 35 3,569
19 Arch Cr, Inyan Kara Cr, Cabin Cr, & Miller Cr 253 431 1,275 1,975 3,169 1,952 0 0 0 607 535 311 10,281
20 Belle Fourche River above Whitetail Cr 460 1,069 3,094 4,230 6,194 4,665 0 0 0 984 1,184 406 21,804
21 Whitetail Cr, Blacktail Cr, Lytle Cr, & Beaver Cr 309 844 2,289 2,651 4,154 1,878 0 0 0 438 130 216 12,562
22 Belle Fourche River above Gage 06428200 769 1,913 5,384 6,881 10,349 6,544 0 0 0 1,421 1,314 622 34,366
23 Belle Fourche River above Arnold Cr 769 1,913 5,384 6,881 10,349 8,199 0 0 0 1,421 1,314 622 36,051
24 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06428500 606 1,312 2,919 2,083 3,057 1,409 0 0 0 728 335 502 12,327
25 Arnold Cr & East Cr 283 1,068 2,561 1,526 2,055 87 0 0 0 201 0 97 7,578
26 Belle Fourche River above Horse Cr 1,658 4,293 10,864 10,489 15,461 9,731 0 0 0 2,350 1,863 1,221 56,200
27 Horse Cr, Pine Cr, Kruger Cr, Kilpatrick Cr, & Oak Cr 674 2,357 5,179 2,517 3,199 111 0 0 0 560 0 362 14,358
28 Belle Fourche River above Stateline 2,332 6,650 16,043 13,007 18,660 10,086 0 0 0 2,910 1,863 1,584 70,803

Table 13
Available Flow for Belle Fourche River Basin (Acre-Feet) -
Dry Year Hydrologic Conditions
Reach Reach Name Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual
1 Belle Fourche River above Caballo Cr 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 14
2 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06426500 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
3 Caballo Creek 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
4 Dry Cr, Yellow Hammer CR, Whitetail CR, & Four Horse Cr 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
5 Belle Fourche River above Buffalo Cr 0 1 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 17
6 Raven Creek 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
7 Buffalo Cr & Timber Cr 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
8 Belle Fourche River above Donkey Cr 0 1 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 18
9 Donkey Creek 0 8 188 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 200
10 Trail Cr, Dry Cr, & Robinson Cr 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 Belle Fourche River above Gage 06426500 0 9 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 219
12 Belle Fourche River above Keyhole Reservoir 0 9 205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 219
13 Tribs to Keyhole Reservoir 0 11 30 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41
14 Miller Cr, Lone Tree Cr, Deer Cr, & Eggie Cr 0 17 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 63
15 Duck Cr, Smoke Cr, Berger Cr, Wind Cr, Mule Cr, & Cottonwood Cr 0 29 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 108
16 Keyhole Reservoir 0 65 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 431
17 Belle Fourche River above Inyan Kara Cr 4 65 361 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 443
18 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06428200 0 61 339 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 402
19 Arch Cr, Inyan Kara Cr, Cabin Cr, & Miller Cr 49 104 571 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 173 1,158
20 Belle Fourche River above Whitetail Cr 53 230 1,271 472 0 0 0 0 0 0 309 192 2,474
21 Whitetail Cr, Blacktail Cr, Lytle Cr, & Beaver Cr 28 178 1,027 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46 100 1,351
22 Belle Fourche River above Gage 06428200 81 408 2,298 774 0 0 0 0 266 0 355 292 4,394
23 Belle Fourche River above Arnold Cr 81 408 2,298 801 0 0 0 0 266 0 355 292 4,420
24 Belle Fourche River Tribs above Gage 06428500 189 443 1,328 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 253 343 2,368
25 Arnold Cr & East Cr 9 293 1,038 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 1,358
26 Belle Fourche River above Horse Cr 279 1,144 4,664 1,459 143 0 0 0 601 0 608 663 9,282
27 Horse Cr, Pine Cr, Kruger Cr, Kilpatrick Cr, & Oak Cr 106 741 2,128 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 205 3,073
28 Belle Fourche River above Stateline 385 1,885 6,792 1,946 143 0 0 0 601 0 608 868 12,843

The yield potential of each of these basins is limited by the dry year conditions. Further, the timing of these available flows does not necessarily match the timing of the demand for this water. For example of the 14,000 acre feet of available flow from Beaver Creek during a typical dry year, roughly 60 percent of this occurs during the months of March through June. Reservoir storage would be required to store this excess flow to satisfy demands throughout the year. The available flow presented in Table 14 does not include the constraints of the Belle Fourche River Compact. This will be discussed in the next section.

Compact Constraints

A determination of the amount of water available to Wyoming for future development is not complete without an evaluation of the constraints imposed by interstate compacts. Three interstate compacts have been negotiated between the States of Wyoming, Montana, North Dakota, and South Dakota for divisions of the waters of the Little Missouri River, the Belle Fourche River, and the Cheyenne River. Of these three compacts, only the Belle Fourche River Compact has been formally accepted by all interests.

The Belle Fourche Compact of 1943 is briefly summarized by the following rules for dividing the waters between the States of Wyoming and South Dakota (SEO, 1982):

  1. All existing rights in the two states as of the date of the compact are recognized;

  2. Wyoming is allowed unlimited use for domestic and stock purposes, provided that no stock reservoir exceeds 20 acre-feet;

  3. The unappropriated waters of the Belle Fourche River and it's tributries as of the date of the compact, as measured at the Wyoming-South Dakota State line, are allocated as follows:
    90 percent to South Dakota
    10 percent to Wyoming
  4. If a reservoir is constructed in Wyoming principally for the irrigation of lands in South Dakota, sufficient water not to exceed 10 cfs shall be released at all times for stock water use. Wyoming has the right to purchase storage space, not exceeding 10 percent of the total space, in any reservoir or reservoirs constructed in Wyoming for irrigation of lands in South Dakota.

  5. No reservoir built solely to use the water allocated to Wyoming shall have a capacity in excess of 1,000 acre-feet.
Additional discussion of the Compact is provided in the Legal and Institutional Constraints memorandum (Lord Consulting, 2002).

HKM utilized the following methodology in determining the amount of water subject to the 90% / 10% apportionment:

Annual measured streamflow at the USGS Gages 06428500 (Belle Fourche River at Wyoming-South Dakota State Line and 06430500 (Redwater Creek at Wyoming-South Dakota State Line) are used as the basic data for this evaluation. The surface water hydrology work for this study was performed on a water year basis (October 1 through September 30). Determination of the compact apportionment was therefore also performed on a water year basis for consistency. The compact, however, specifies that apportionment shall be determined based on the accumulated flow and storage from the beginning of the calendar year. HKM performed a comparison of average annual wet year, normal year, and dry year streamflow between the water years selected through the surface water hydrology work to the corresponding calendar years. This analysis, performed for the Belle Fourche River, indicated a difference for all three conditions of less than 0.3 percent. Very little error is introduced into the analysis through the use of water-year total annual flows.

  1. The streamflow at the USGS Gages 06428500 (Belle Fourche River at WY-SD State Line) is adjusted to reflect the annual change in storage of Keyhole Reservoir.

  2. The streamflows are further adjusted by adding back estimated annual depletions for post compact water uses in Wyoming. These depletions are estimated as the Crop Irrigation Requirements (CIR) for the roughly 2060 acres of land served from the mainstem of the Belle Fourche River below Keyhole Reservoir and the 140 acres of land in the Redwater Creek drainage.

  3. Bypass requirements for pre compact water uses in South Dakota are subtracted from the state line flows. According to the USBR, there are roughly 1025 acres in South Dakota served from the Belle Fourche River by pre compact water rights. Based on water rights data received from the South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources, there are also 928 acres of land irrigated from Redwater Creek between the State Line and the confluence of Spearfish Creek. It is assumed that major tributaries in South Dakota (Crow Creek and Spearfish Creek) supply the water requirements of the lands on the lower reaches of Redwater Creek. The average annual streamflow of these two tributaries alone total more than twice the average annual streamflow of Redwater Creek at the State Line. The diversion requirement for those lands requiring bypass water (1025 acres and 928 acres) is estimated at 2.14 acre-feet per acre, based on information obtained from the NRCS in South Dakota.

Wyoming's Compact allocation is taken as 10 percent of the adjusted annual streamflows at the State Line. Wyoming's apportionment of the Belle Fourche River under the three hydrologic conditions (wet, normal, and dry years) is summarized in Table 15.

Table 15
Wyoming's Apportionment of Available Flow per
Belle Fourche River Compact
Hydrologic Condition Average Annual Apportionment (AF)
Belle Fourche River Redwater Creek TOTAL
Wet Years 15,600 3,300 18,900
Normal Years 7,400 2,400 9,800
Dry Years 1,100 1,400 2,500

The derivations of these estimates are described on the worksheets provided with this memorandum. The Wyoming Water Planning Program estimated Wyoming's average annual apportionment of the Belle Fourche River to be 7,300 acre-feet for the 1948 through 1968 study period (SEO, 1972).


HKM Engineering Inc., 2002. Environmental Water Uses, Task 2E, Technical Memorandum, Northeast Wyoming River Basins Plan. Billings, Montana

HKM Engineering Inc., 2002. Spreadsheet Model Development and Calibration, Tasks 3B and 3C, Technical Memorandum, Northeast Wyoming River Basins Plan. Billings, Montana

HKM Engineering Inc., 2002. Surface Water Hydrology, Tasks 3A & 3B, Technical Memorandum, Northeast Wyoming River Basins Plan. Billings, Montana

Lord Consulting, 2002, Legal and Institutional Constraints, Task 5A, Technical Memorandum, Northeast Wyoming River Basins Plan. Laramie, Wyoming

Wyoming State Engineer's Office (SEO), April 1972, Wyoming Water Planning Program, Report 10, Water & Related Land Resources of Northeastern Wyoming, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Wyoming State Engineer's Office (SEO), 1982. Documents on the Use and Control of Wyoming's Interstate Streams - Compacts, Treaties, and Court Decrees, Cheyenne, Wyoming

Measured Streamflow at Gage 06428500 Belle Fourche R. at WY-SD State Line
Keyhole Reservoir WY Depletions for Post-1943 Irrigation Rights in the Belle Fourche Basin
Bypass for d/s S. Dakota, Pre-1943 Irr. Right Diversions
Allocable streamflow = Meas. streamflow + Change in stor. + WY post-1943 Dep. - S.D. pre-1943 Div.
Compact Wyoming 10% share of Allocable Streamflow
End-of-September Storage from USBR
AF 2
Annual Wtr Yr Change in Storage

122,381Sept. 1969

1970-99 avg74,127102,2631,7454,0832,19477,7927,779
Wet yr avg119,333

Dry yr avg38,668

Normal yr avg70,878



  1. Annual measured streamflow data derived from sum of monthly measured values obtained from the USGS.
  2. End-of-September storage taken from end-of-month storage file on U.S. Bureau of Reclamation web site.
  3. Annual change in storage = end-of-Sep. storage - previous year end-of-Sep. storage
  4. Annual depletions for post-1943 irrigation rights in Wyoming estimated to equal weighted net consumptive irrigation requirements (CIR) for 2059.5 acres, where:
    - acreage derived from HKM model of mainstem irrigation in Wyoming below Keyhole Reservoir, where, based on information from the USBR, it is assumed all the post-1943 irrigation rights are located
    - depletion is calculated as follows:
    Weather StationAcCrop% Each CropCrop CIR, in.Ac x % x CIR in ft
    Weighted total in AF4083
  5. Bypass for downstream irrigation diversions for pre-1943 rights on mainstem Belle Fourche River in S. Dakota = 1025.34 acres (from data supplied by the USBR) x 2.14 AF/ac ideal diversion demand (from data supplied by the USBR and USNRCS using a 1.5 AF/ac net irr. requirement and 70% overall efficiency)
  6. Any calculated negative allocable flows are set to zero. Also note allocable flows in this table do not include evaporation loss from Keyhole Reservoir which is assumed already split between Wyoming and South Dakota on a 10%/90% basis.
  7. Wet,dry, and normal year averages are based on the following years (see Surface Water Hydrology Memo): Wet =1971-72,1978,1984,1993,1997; Dry=1980-81,1985,1988-89,1992; Normal=all other years between 1970-99

Wtr Year Measured Streamflow at Gage 06430500 Redwater Cr. At Belle Fourche R. at WY-SD State Line
in AF1
Depletions for Post-1943 Irrigation Water Rights in Wyoming
in AF2
Bypass for Portion of Downstream Pre-1943 Irrigation Water Rights in South Dakota
in AF3
Allocable streamflow = Measured. Flow + Depletions for Post-43 Rights - Bypass for Pre-43 Rights
in AF
WY Share = 10% of Allocable Flow
in AF
1970-99 avg255802301986238242382
Wet yr avg34598

Dry yr avg15927

Normal yr avg25791



  1. Annual measured streamflow data derived from sum of monthly measured values obtained from the USGS.
  2. Annual depletions for post-1943 irrigation rights in Wyoming estimated to equal mean annual net consumptive irrigation requirement (CIR) of 19.72 inches for alfalfa (for the Sundance climate station) applied to 140 acres derived from HKM irrigated lands mapping and water rights database.
  3. Bypass for downstream irrigation diversions for pre-1943 rights on mainstem Redwater Creek in S. Dakota was estimated to be 928.0 acres (see following explanation) x 2.14 AF/ac ideal diversion demand (from data supplied by the USBR and USNRCS using a 1.5 AF/ac net irr. requirement and 70% overall efficiency). Information from the S. Dakota Department of Environment & Natural Resources indicates all the downstream mainstem Redwater Creek irrigation rights have pre-1943 priority dates. The 928 acres represents the upper portion of these mainstem rights (Permit #'s 1401-1 and 1409-1) from the State line to Spearfish Creek which are assumed to be served from water bypassing the State line gage. The remaining downstream rights are assumed to be supplied from major tributaries which more than triple the average flow of Redwater Creek by the time it reaches the Belle Fourche River. Two of these tributaries ( Crow Creek and Spearfish Creek) lie above most of these remaining downstream mainstem irrigation rights and contribute on average more than twice the flow that is measured at the Redwater Creek State line gage. Bypasses for irrigation in S. Dakota served by the pre-1943 rights of Murray Ditch are already excluded from the Redwater Creek State line gage data.
  4. Wet,dry, and normal year averages are based on the following years (see Surface Water Hydrology Memo): Wet =1972-73,1976-78,1999; Dry=1985,1990-94; Normal=all other years between 1970-99