Meeting Agenda
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Wyoming Water Update - Green River Basin
Sublette Co. Weed & Pest
12 S. Bench Rd.
Pinedale, Wyoming
May 17, 2017
6:00 pm
- Welcome
- Staff Introductions
- Pass around sign-in sheet (please make sure to sign/check this for future meetings)
- Audience Introductions
- Colorado River Basin Update - Steve Wolff, Administrator - Interstate Streams Division, WY State Engineer's Office (SEO)
- Wyoming Water Development Office (WWDO) Agency/Project/Reservoir Updates - Harry LaBonde, Director
- Fontenelle Reservoir Operations - Jed Parker, Bureau of Reclamation
- Hydrologic conditions in the Green/Greater Colorado River Basins - Ashley Nielson, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)
- Groundwater Atlas and Groundwater Baseflow Model - Karl Taboga, Wyoming State Geological Survey (WSGS)
- Agency Update and Aquatic Invasive Species MOA information - Hilda Sexauer, Pinedale Regional Fisheries Supervisor, Wyoming Game & Fish Dept.
- Other Topics