Wyoming State Water Plan, Wyoming Water Development Office
Rafting on Snake River Lake Marie, Snowy Mountains Wyoming Wind River Range picture

Wind/Bighorn River Basin Advisory Group Meeting

March 11, 2010 - 6:00 p.m.
Big Horn Federal, Thermopolis
Meeting Record

I. Welcome

Jodie Pavlica, Wyoming Water Development Office, called the meeting to order at approximately 6:05 p.m. All attendees introduced themselves, followed by a review of the overall meeting agenda. A sign-in sheet was passed around to record attendance.

II. WRDS Comments

Chris Nicholson with the Water Resources Data System noted three items:

II. Groundwater Plan Update

Scott Quillinan with WSGS provided a progress report on the groundwater plan update. Mr. Quillinan described the following maps that are being created as part of the report.

Mr. Quillinan indicated that both the GIS data and a draft report will be available for public review shortly.

The following questions and comments were discussed:

III. Final Results Presentation

Mr. Jerry Gibbens, with MWH, was introduced as the project manager for the consulting team performing the surface water portion of the basin plan update. Mr. Gibbens gave a presentation of the final report. The presentation provided a general review of each chapter, a summary of the technical findings, and a comparison to the previous basin plan results.

Summarizing the primary findings of the Basin Plan Update, Sections 4, 6 and 7 were the focus of the presentation. The following was noted:

Section 4 - Hydrology

Chapter 6 . Water Use Projections

Chapter 7 . Water Availability

Mr. Gibbens provided handouts containing Project Opportunities and Program Strategies. These tables are compilations of the opportunities and strategies discussed in previous BAG meetings. Mr. Gibbens asked the BAG to review the tables and provide comments for incorporation into the final report.

The Division III Superintendent noted that there may be daily impacts of the Riverton East project that are not reflected in the monthly spreadsheet model results. Superimposing operations on streamflow this year, there would have been a few days when the Midvale headgate would have needed to bypass 100 cfs.

A comment was made that the report should make sure to describe changes in cropping types that may have an effect on water use and water availability.

A written comment was received at the meeting suggesting that the environmental non-consumptive use portion of the analysis should consider the impacts of Russian Olives and Salt Cedar. In the last 20 years, there has been extensive growth along the mainstem of the Bighorn River and major tributaries. There is no data available that quantifies this.

V. Public Comment

No additional public comment was received.

VI. Next Steps

The public draft review will be available on the WRDS website during the week of March 22. WWDC will notify via e-mail and/or postcard.

Comments should be submitted back to WWDC by April 23.

Final report will be completed by May 28.

A date for the next meeting was not set. The WWDO will post the next meeting date on their website and will mail post cards prior to the meeting.