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Agricultural Water Use: Major Irrigation/Stock Wells


According to the Wyoming State EngineerÆs Office (SEO) regulations, water from any well permitted for an irrigation use must be used to irrigate commercially grown crops. For this basin water plan, a major irrigation well is one that is permitted by the SEO to yield 50 gallons per minute or greater. The SEO water right database was used to obtain information on major irrigation wells permitted within the Upper Laramie Subbasin. Wells that have been recorded by the SEO as cancelled or abandoned have been excluded from this basin water plan. Many wells permitted through the SEO for irrigation are also permitted for stock use. Click here to view a table showing information regarding the irrigation/stock wells located in the Upper Laramie River subbasin.

Following is a map illustrating the major irrigation wells within the Upper Laramie River subbasin. Click here to enlarge image, view legend, and to print.


The Platte River Basin Plan is a planning tool developed for the Wyoming Water Development Office. It presents estimated current and estimated future uses of water in WyomingÆs Platte River Basin. The Plan is not used to determine compliance with or administration of state law, federal law, court decrees, interstate compacts, or interstate agreements.
Wyoming Water Development Commission
6920 Yellowtail Road
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Ph. (307) 777-7626
Fax (307) 777-6819