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Cities, Towns, County Lines


Municipalities located in the Guernsey to State Line subbasin include Lingle and Torrington. The Guernsey to State Line subbasin lies primarily within Goshen County, Wyoming. A northern portion of the subbasin lies within Niobrara County and a small western portion of the subbasin lies within Platte County, Wyoming. U.S. Route 85 runs north and south through the City of Torrington. Multiple states routes connect Torrington to smaller towns to the south.

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The Platte River Basin Plan is a planning tool developed for the Wyoming Water Development Office. It presents estimated current and estimated future uses of water in WyomingÆs Platte River Basin. The Plan is not used to determine compliance with or administration of state law, federal law, court decrees, interstate compacts, or interstate agreements.
Wyoming Water Development Commission
6920 Yellowtail Road
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002
Ph. (307) 777-7626
Fax (307) 777-6819