Wyoming State Water Plan, Wyoming Water Development Office
Rafting on Snake River Lake Marie, Snowy Mountains Wyoming Wind River Range picture

Northeast Wyoming River Basins Water Plan
Technical Memoranda

SUBJECT: Appendix E
Municipal Water Use

PREPARED BY: HKM Engineering Inc.

DATE: February 2002


This Technical Memorandum provides water use information for the following 33 municipal, district or private water systems that furnish water for municipal and domestic use to their residents.

No municipalities obtain their water supply from a surface source in the Northeast Wyoming River Basins Planning Area. Municipal entities that obtain their primary water supply from groundwater are:

Districts that obtain their primary water supply from groundwater are: Joint Powers Boards that obtain their water supply from groundwater are: Privately owned water systems (including Water Users Associations) that obtain their water supply from groundwater are: Included with this Technical Memorandum, Appendix 1 provides a summary of each of the 33 municipal, district or private water suppliers. Each summary provides an estimate of the water service population, a brief description of the water supply and water treatment facilities, water rates, an estimate of per capita average and peak day water use, and information on water rights.

The divide between the Northeast Wyoming River Basins Planning Area and the Powder/Tongue River Basin Planning Area passes through the City of Gillette. Gillette is included in this Basin Plan because their Madison well field is in this planning area, and most of their in-city wells are also in this planning area. The district and private water systems around Gillette were broken into the two planning areas based on their location.


Primarily, information was obtained for the various entities from WWDC's 2000 Water System Survey Report and direct communications with the entity. A draft form outlining water use for each system was prepared from information contained in the Water Supply Survey Report, and was submitted to the entity for their review and comments. Accompanying the draft form, was a brief questionnaire asking for additional information on their water supply system and wastewater discharge (potential return of a portion of their water supply to a surface water). Follow-up calls were made to systems that did not respond to the mailing. The Wyoming DEQ office in Sheridan was also contacted for additional information on some of the districts and private water systems.

All information obtained is compiled on the summary sheets in Appendix 1. In a few cases, no information could be obtained on the water system or the data in the WWDC 2000 Water System Survey Report could not be verified.

As the above tabulation indicates, all of the public water supplies in the planning area utilize groundwater. With surface water sources, impacts (depletions) to surface waters can be reduced by returning some of their diversion to that surface water through their wastewater treatment facility. This impact can be shown by the simple relationship of:

depletions = diversions - return flow.
If municipalities using groundwater release wastewater to a neighboring stream, those streams will have an increased flow since there will be no associated surface water diversion. While several of the entities utilizing groundwater sources do discharge from their wastewater facility, many of the smaller groundwater systems do not discharge treated wastewater to a stream. All systems are tabulated with associated quantity estimates in Table 1.

Average and peak day usage, and wastewater discharge information was obtained from the municipality. Only actual wastewater point source discharges were considered in this analysis. Return flows resulting from municipal irrigation use or seepage were not considered, as they are highly variable and difficult to estimate. Therefore, the return flows used in this analysis are likely understated.

Due to the depth and geology of the typical wells used as groundwater sources in the planning area, it is believed these wells have little if any impact on surface water flows.

The consumers of water for many of the municipal systems are totally located within the corporate boundaries. Therefore, the populations of the service areas are the same as that for the town. The City of Gillette in particular, provides water to outlying users and is more of a regional water system. Therefore its population served is more than only that included within the city limits.


Table 1 summarizes water used by municipalities within the Northeastern Wyoming River Basins. This table also tabulates data on the water systems.

Table 1
Municipal Water Systems with Groundwater Sources

Municipality Population Wells Well Depth GPCPD Ave. Day Peak Day Storage Wastewater returns
American Road 210 3 425 - 790 104 23,000 42,000 110,000 None
Antelope Valley 800 3 1300 - 2100

300,000 None
Cambria I&SD 110 None
140 15,360 20,000 64,300 None
Cedar Hills 250 2 1200, 1500 40 10,750 57,900 88,000 None
Central Campbell Co I&SD 1500 4 800 - 2200 60 84,000 367,000 540,000 Into Gillette
Collins Heights I&SD 250 1

Crestview 490 1 1550 150 76,000 230,000 570,000 1
Force Road JPB 250 2 1200, 1500 360 90,000 250,000 40,000 None
Fox Park I&SD 843 1 1560

570,000 2
Freedom Hills Subdivision 400 2 1254, 1560

80,000 None
Gillette 22,000 25 1000 - 4500 200 4,000,000 11,940,000 21,000,000 2,300,000 gpd
Hulett 450 3 700 - 1860 100 45,000 200,000 550,000 38,000 gpd
Lance Creek W&SD 40 2 300 525 21,000 84,000 210,000 None
Lost Springs No information available.

Lusk 1600 3 80 - 480 160 249,200 1,086,000 1,000,000 None
Manville 100 3 97 - 200 700 67,700 148,300 50,000
Moorcroft 770 4 500 - 900 130 100,000 500,000 500,000 75,000 gpd
Newcastle 3300 4 2638 - 3245 300 1,000,000 2,000,000 5,373,000 None
Newton Industrial Park I&SD 25 1 1100 160 4,000 4500 None None
Osage WD 216 1 3000 230 50,000
250,000 None
Peoples I&SD 80 1 1200 260 21,000 32,500 12,000 None
Pine Haven 222 1 3400 220 49,000 130,000 280,000 None
Salt Creek WD 500 1 4480 150 75,000 200,000
Southfork Estates 115 1 1600 80 9200 25,000 64,000 None
Sunburst W&SD Now served by the City of Gillette.

Sundance 1250 4 506 - 1228 150 180,000 650,000 584,000 None
Upton 950 3 3200 - 3700 225 216,000 500,000 650,000 1
Van Tassell No information available.

Vista West I&SD 250 2 400, 1124 100 25,000 60,000 210,000 None
Wessex I&SD 21 1 520 150 3150 6300 16,000 None
West End WD 300 1 2275 50 15,000 60,000 None None
Westridge WUA 260 2 1100, 1200 270 70,000 140,000 100,000 None
Wright 1500 4 2700 - 3018 219 328,800 783,000 1,500,000 72,000 gpd

1 Periodic discharge from lagoon. Amount not available.
2 Package wastewater treatment plant discharges to Donkey Creek. Quantity not available.

Table 2 compares existing usage with system capacity and water rights. This table shows whether the systems have sufficient capacity to meet their existing needs, as well as some future growth. The priority dates of water rights and water availability in dryer years can impact the amount of water that can be diverted despite the quantity stated in their water rights.

The City of Gillette is currently being significantly impacted by the coal bed methane boom. The population calculated from Census 2000 data was approximately 22,000. The city believes they serve a larger population, which could be the case. Growth from the boom could also be above estimates, and well above the rates for other systems in the basin. Therefore, while Table 2 may show Gillette has adequate supply capacity for many years to come, this might not be true. Gillette will monitor this situation and begin planning for expansion of their supply capacity, including additional water source, well ahead of the time frame that may be indicated in Table 2.

Table 2
Comparison of Existing Usage to System Capacity

Sytems Peak Day Demand
(gal (gpm))
System Capacity
Water Right Capacity
(Direct Flow*)
Storage Rights
American Road 42,000 (29) 165
Antelope Valley No information available

Cambria I&SD 20,000 (14) 50 N/A None
Cedar Hills 57,900 (40) 180
Central Campbell Co I&SD 367,000 (254) 610
Collins Heights I&SD No information available. Have one well. City of Gillette also supplies.
Crestview 230,000 (160) 120
Force Road JPB 250,000 (174) 120
Fox Park I&SD
Freedom Hills Subdivision
Gillette 11,940,000 (8290) 12,865 15,725 gpm None
Hulett 200,000 (140) 300 300 gpm None
Lance Creek W&SD 84,000 (58) 60 250 gpm None
Lost Springs No information available

Lusk 1,086,000 (754) 1600
Manville 148,300 (103) 430
Moorcroft 500,000 (350) 350
Newcastle 2,000,000 (1390) 1800
Newton Industrial Park I&SD 4500 (3) 25
Osage WD
Peoples I&SD
Pine Haven 130,000 (90) 120 120 gpm None
Salt Creek WD 200,000 (139) 1000 500 gpm None
South Fork Estates 25,000 (17) 80 None None
Sunburst W&S Now served by the City of Gillette

Sundance 650,000 (450) 1000
Upton 500,000 (350) 840
Van Tassell No information available

Vista West I&SD 60,000 (42) 130
Wessex I&SD 6300 (5) 20 50 gpm None
West End WD 60,000 (42) 1150
Westridge WUA 140,000 (97) 105 125 gpm None
Wright 783,000 (544) 1350 1560 gpm None

*Direct Flow refers to the in-stream diversion right for surface sources, and permited yeild for groundwater sources.

Municipal water suppliers are faced with the ongoing tasks of rehabilitating their water systems as they age, responding to needs for improvements to comply with regulations and additional capacity, and plan for the future to meet growths in demand. Addressing these issues, supplying water of the quantity and quality to meet their users requirements, and providing the needed revenue to meet their financial plan is an ongoing challenge.

Figure 1 shows the location of wells within the Northeast Wyoming River Basins Planning Area that were filed in the State Engineer's Office as "municipal" wells. These wells are on a data layer within the GIS for these basins. Information on the well as provided by the applicant, may be accessed by "clicking" on each well in the GIS.

Click To Enlarge

Appendix 1

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: American Road Water and Sewer District

Introduction: American Road is located approximately 6 miles east of Gillette and 1 mile north of I-90. It consists of three separate subdivisions that combined into one Water and Sewer District.

Service Area Population: 210

Number of Taps: 70

Water Supply: Three wells in the Wasatch and Fort Union formation with a total capacity of 165 gpm. Well depths range from 425 to 790 feet.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 110,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: $30.00 base rate for 15,000 gallons, plus $2.50 per 1000 gallons.
Average bill = $30.00

Annual Water Use: 8.41 million gallons (average day = 23,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 104 gal. Peak day = 186 gal.

Peak Day Demand: 42,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 165 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Antelope Valley

Introduction: Antelope Valley is located about 3 miles south of Gillette on the west side of Highway 59.

Service Area Population: 800

Number of Taps: 315

Water Supply: Three Fort Union wells with depths of 1300 to 2100 feet and yields of 30 to 240 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 300,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand:

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Cambria Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Cambria I&SD is located near Newcastle, and obtains its water supply from the City of Newcastle.

Service Area Population: 110

Number of Taps: 44

Water Supply: The city of Newcastle. Flow available about 50 gpm.

Water Treatment: None by Cambria.

Raw Water Storage: N/A

Finished Water Storage: 64,300 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $33.75, plus $2.25 per 1000 gallons for more then 15,000 gallons. Average water bill is $33.75.

Annual Water Use: About 5.6 million gallons (average day = 15,360 gallons)

Per Capita Use: 140 gpd

Peak Day Demand: 20,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 50 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: N/A

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Betty Rumney 746-2509, 2-27-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Cedar Hills

Introduction: Cedar Hills is located about 8 miles east of Gillette, immediately south of the BNSF Railroad.

Service Area Population: 250

Number of Taps: 80

Water Supply: Two Fort Union wells. This wells are 1200 and 1500 feet deep, and produce about 180 gpm total. One well not currently in use.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 88,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: $35.00

Annual Water Use: About 3.93 million gallons (average day = 10,750 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 39 gallons, Peak day = 212 gallons.

Peak Day Demand: 57,932 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 180 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.
3. Questionnaire completed by Cedar Hills.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Central Campbell County Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Central Campbell County I&SD is also know as Sleepy Hollow Subdivision. It is located approximately 3½ miles southeast of Gillette.

Service Area Population: 1500

Number of Taps: 420

Water Supply: 4 Fort Union wells, with depths from 800 to 2200 feet. Total production of about 610 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection (chlorine)

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 540,000 gallons (2 tanks)

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Tied to regional treatment system

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $17.60, plus $2.50 per 1000 gallons above the base rate. The average water bill is $18.00.

Annual Water Use: About 30.7 million gallons (average day = 84,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 60 gallons, Peak day = 262 gallons.

Peak Day Demand:: 367,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 610 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: No capacity for expansion of service area unless additional wells and storage added.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Robert Zabel, 2-27-01.
3. Bret Wolz, Falcon Engineering, 3-1-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Collins Heights Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Collins Heights is located about 1½ miles east of Gillette between I-90 and the BNSF Railroad. The water system for Collins Heights is operated by the city of Gillette.

Service Area Population: 250

Number of Taps: 100

Water Supply: One Fort Union well and the city of Gillette.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage:

Finished Water Storage:

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand::

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Crestview Water District

Introduction: Crestview is located about 2½ miles south of Gillette, along the west side of Highway 59.

Service Area Population: 490

Number of Taps: 150

Water Supply: One Fort Union well with a depth of 1550 feet, and a yield of 125 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 570,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: 2-cell Lagoon system. Periodic discharge.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $33.00, plus $3.00 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 12,000 gallons. Average monthly bill is $33.00.

Annual Water Use: About 27.7 million gallons (average day = 76,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 150 gallons, Peak day = 430 gallons.

Peak Day Demand: 230,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 120 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Force Road Joint Powers Board

Introduction: Force Road JPB serves Rocky Point Home Owners Association and Sundog Improvement and Service District. These two subdivisions are located just off the southwest corner of the city of Gillette.

Service Area Population: 250

Number of Taps: 63

Water Supply: The Force Road water supply consist of two 1200 to 1500 foot deep Fort Union well, that produces 120 gpm (60 gpm each).

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 40,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. Individual on-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: Flat rate of $30.00.

Annual Water Use: About 32.85 million gallons (average day = 90,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 360 gallons, Peak day = 1000 gallons.

Peak Day Demand: 250,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 120 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity: 120 gpm

Near Future Improvements: A 16 house subdivision may hook in, but they will add a well.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Clyde Owen, 3-1-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Fox Park Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Fox Park is a large mobile home court located about 2 miles east of Gillette, next the Cam-Plex.

Service Area Population: 843

Number of Taps:

Water Supply: One 1560-foot deep Fort Union well, with a production of about 180 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 570,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Package Plant. Discharge to Donkey Creek.

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand::

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Freedom Hills Subdivision

Introduction: Freedom Hills is located approximately 5 miles east of Gillette on the north side of I-90. No information was available on water usage or rates.

Service Area Population: 400

Number of Taps:

Water Supply: The water supply for Freedom Hills consists of 2 Fort Union wells with depths of 1254 and 1560 feet. The wells produce 110 and 90 gpm.

Water Treatment:

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 80,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand:

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: City of Gillette

Introduction: The city of Gillette operates the largest water system in the study area. Their water supply is all groundwater, with source wells in the Fort Union, Fox Hills, and Madison formations. In addition to serving the city, this system also serves several subdivisions or water districts around the city. The number of other entities served will grow over the years, as it becomes more difficult for smaller entities to maintain their systems. The WWDC approved Master Plan for the Gillette area also calls for regionalization of water supply (with the expansion of the Gillette water system), over time. Discussions have taken place with coal bed methane producers to obtain high quality Fort Union formation water produced during methane extraction in the vicinity of Gillette, for the Gillette water system.

The following subdivisions outside of City limits are served by the Gillette Water System.

    Collins Heights
    Collins Heights Industrial Park
    High Plains Campground
    Rozet School
    Moorcroft (back-up source)
    Wind Crest Estates
    Rozet area (not the town, but several rural properties and fire station)
    Southern Drive Industrial Park
    Centennial Drive
    Yates Petroleum
    Future: Winland and Powder River Mobile Home Park
Service Area Population: 22,000

Number of Taps: 6566

Water Supply: Gillette.s water supply comes from 25 wells. The primary source is the Madison well field (10 wells) located 42 miles northeast of Gillette. A 30-inch pipeline delivers this water to the city. The remaining 15 wells are Fort Union and Fox Hills wells located around the city. These wells pump directly to the treatment facility.

Water Treatment: Degasification, disinfection.

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 21,000,000

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Activated sludge plant. Average discharge to Stonepile Creek about 2.3 MGD. An additional 0.2 MGD from wastewater plant sold to PP&L for Wyodak Power Plant.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $5.85, plus $1.60 per 1000 gallons fur usage above the base rate of 3000 gallons. Average monthly bill is $20.25.

Annual Water Use: About 1,460 million gallons (average day use = 4 million gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 200 gallons, Peak day = 264 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 11,940,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 12,865 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: 15,725 gpm (see attached list)

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: Possible project utilizing coal bed methane water into water system, or for aquifer storage.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by the City of Gillette.

Address Permit
Permit Actual
Fox Hills-3
710 Burma Ave U.W.5-85458 ENL.
U.W.5-66145 ENL.
U.W.5-66144 ENL.
U.W.5-42028 ENL.

Total FH-3



Fox Hills-4
915 N. Gurley Ave U.W.5-69310 ENL.

Fox Hills-5
1901 N Garner Lake Rd U.W.5-108708 1-22-98 600 500
Total Fox Hills Water (Lance-Fox Hills Formation) 1,665 1,100
16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69300 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69301 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69302 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69303 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69304 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69305 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69306 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69307 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69308 ENL.

16950 Hwy 14 U.W.5-69309 ENL.

Total Madison Water (Madison Formation) 10,000 9,300

Formation Permit Actual
TOTAL SOFT 3,075 4,428,000 1,665 2,397,600
TOTAL FOX HILLS 2,650 3,816,000 1,900 2,736,000
TOTAL MADISON 10,000 14,400,000 9,300 13,392,000

15,725 22,644,000 12,865 18,525,600

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Town of Hulett

Introduction: The town of Hulett is located in northern Crook County. It is served by a ground water source.

Service Area Population: 450

Number of Taps: 180

Water Supply: The water supply for Hulett is 3 wells with depths of 700 to 1860 feet. The combined yield of these wells is approximately 300 gpm, only the 1860-foot deep Madison formation well is normally used.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 550,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: 3-cell Lagoon system, 25 - 28 gpm continuously.

Monthly Water Rates: Flat rate of $9.00. Sawmill $1.25 per 1000 gallons.

Annual Water Use: 16.4 million gallons (average day = 45,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 100 gallons, Peak day = 225 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 200,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 300 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Yes

Water Rights Capacity: UW56489, 150 gpm, 90.87 ac-ft/year

Near Future Improvements: A new transmission main between the tank and town.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Mary Lou McRann, Town Clerk, Conversation 2-27-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Lance Creek Water and Sewer District

Introduction: Lance Creek is located in central Niobrara County.

Service Area Population: 40

Number of Taps: 39

Water Supply: The water supply for Lance Creek consists of two 300-foot deep wells. They have a combined yield of 60 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection (chlorine)

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 210,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $10.00, plus $0.50 per 1000 gallons above the base rate. Average water bill is $32.00.

Annual Water Use: 7.66 million gallons (average day = 21,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 525 gallons, Peak day = 2000 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 84,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 60 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Well 1 - #0005 - Permit #111113, November 7, 1988, 150 gpm.
Well 2 - #0006 - Permit #111114, November 7, 1988, 100 gpm.

Water Rights Capacity: 250 gpm

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Jack Hammond, 3-1-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Lost Springs

Introduction: Lost Springs is located in southeastern Converse County. No information was available on this water system.

Service Area Population:

Number of Taps:

Water Supply:

Water Treatment:

Raw Water Storage:

Finished Water Storage:

Wastewater Treatment Discharge:

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand:

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: City of Lusk

Introduction: Lusk is located in southern Niobrara County. It has a well water supply system.

Service Area Population: 1600

Number of Taps: 830

Water Supply: The water supply for Lusk consists of 3 wells with depths from 80 to 480 feet. The wells produce a total of 1600 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 1,000,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoons. Land application of effluent, no discharge to a surface water.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $17.45, plus $0.42 per 1000 gallons above the base amount of 1000 gallons. Average monthly water bill = $20.00.

Annual Water Use: 91 million gallons (average day = 249,200 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 160 gallons, Peak day = 724 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 1,086,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 1600 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: Replace lines under state highway.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Terry Albright, Water Superintendent, Town of Lusk, telephone conversation 2-27-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Town of Manville

Introduction: The town of Manville is located in southwestern Niobrara County. It has a ground water source.

Service Area Population: 100

Number of Taps: 60

Water Supply: The water supply for Manville consists of 3 wells that vary in depth from 97 to 200 feet. The combined system capacity is 430 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 50,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge:

Monthly Water Rates: Flat rate of $8.00

Annual Water Use: 24.7 million gallons (average day = 67,700 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 700 gallons, Peak day = 1530 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 148,300 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 430 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Town of Moorcroft

Introduction: Moorcroft is located in southwestern Crook County. While Moorcroft is on its own water source, it also has a connection to the city of Gillette Madison pipeline.

Service Area Population: 770

Number of Taps: 340

Water Supply: Moorcroft is supplied by four Fox Hills-Lance wells, with depths ranging from 500 to 900 feet. The combined capacity of the wells is 150 gpm. This water system also has a connection to Gillette.s pipeline from their Madison wellfield. Moorcroft has an agreement with Gillette to receive water off this pipeline, if they need additional supply. The .normal. peak usage rate off the Madison pipeline is 200 gpm, while the allowable .emergency. peak usage rate is 350 gpm. Before they upgraded their own wellfield, this pipeline was used almost exclusively. It is still heavily used in the summer, but Moorcroft can meet its needs with its wells in the winter. Moorcorft is currently drilling a Madison well 8 miles east of town, which they hope will greatly expand their supply capacity.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 500,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoons. Discharge continuously to Rush Creek at about 75,000 gal/day.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $5.00, plus $2.50 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 1500 gallons. Average monthly bill = $15.00.

Annual Water Use: 37 million gallons (average day = 100,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 130 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 500,000 gallons.

Water Supply System Capacity: 150 gpm, plus 200 gpm off Madison pipeline (normal maximum amount), 350 gpm total. A higher supply off the pipeline is possible with permission from Gillette.

Municipal Water Rights: Yes.

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: Replacement of water lines. Currently drilling a Madison well 8 miles east of town. If the well produces, Moorcroft will construct a line from the well to town. This will take about 2 years.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Ron Feehan, Director of Public Works, Town of Moorcroft, 2-28-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: City of Newcastle

Introduction: The city of Newcastle is located in eastern Weston County. The city.s water system also serves water to Cambria I&SD.

Service Area Population: 3300

Number of Taps: 1390

Water Supply: The water supply for Newcastle consists of 4 Madison wells, with depths ranging from 2638 to 3245 feet. The combined well yield is 4600 gpm.

Water Treatment: None

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 5,373,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoon system. Land application of effluent. No discharge.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $5.19, plus $1.65 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 1000 gallons. The average water bill is $17.00.

Annual Water Use: 365 million gallons (average day = 1,000,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 300 gallons, Peak day = 560 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 2,000,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 1800 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Yes.

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: New transmission main and storage tank.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by the City of Newcastle.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Newton Industrial Park Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Newton I&SD is a water system that serves an industrial park immediately south of the city of Gillette. It is located on Metz Road, south of I-90.

Service Area Population: 25

Number of Taps: 14

Water Supply: The water supply for Newton I&SD is one 1100-foot deep Fort Union well, with a yield of 25 gpm.

Water Treatment: None

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: None

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: N/A

Annual Water Use: 1.46 million gallons (average day = 4000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 160 gallons, Peak day = 180 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 4500 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 25 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Fort Union Well, #100840, November 13, 1995.

Water Rights Capacity: 7 ac-ft.

Near Future Improvements: None

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by Newton Industrial Park.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Osage Water District

Introduction: The town of Osage is located about 12 miles northwest of Newcastle. It is on its own water system. In addition, it supplies water to the nearby Black Hills Power and Light Plant.

Service Area Population: 216

Number of Taps: 120

Water Supply: The water supply for Osage consists of one 3000-foot deep well, with a yield of 100 gpm. With booster pump well yield can increase to 200 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 250,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoons, non-discharging.

Monthly Water Rates: $2.20 per 1000 gallons. Average monthly bill = $45.00.

Annual Water Use: 16.8 million gallons (average day = 50,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 230 gallons

Peak Day Demand:

Water Supply System Capacity: 200 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by the Osage Water District.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Peoples Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Peoples I&SD is located at the southwestern corner of the city of Gillette. It serves the Concho Valley subdivision.

Service Area Population: 80

Number of Taps: 34

Water Supply: The water supply for Peoples I&SD is one 1200-foot deep Fort Union well, with a yield of 55 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 12,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site sytems.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $20.00, plus $1.10 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 15,000 gallons. Average monthly water bill = $25.00.

Annual Water Use: 7.66 million gallons (average day = 21,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 260 gallons, Peak day = 400 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 32,500 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 55gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Salt Creek Water District

Introduction: Salt Creek is a Water District located adjacent to Newcastle. The Salt Creek system also serves Black Tail.

Service Area Population: 500

Number of Taps: 168 - 170

Water Supply: The water supply for Salt Creek consists on one 4480-foot deep Madison well. This well flows about 1500 gpm.

Water Treatment: None

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: None

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoon, rarely discharges.

Monthly Water Rates: Flat rate of $25.00

Annual Water Use: 27 million gallons (average day = 75,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 150 gallons, Peak day = 400 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 200,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 1000 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: 500 GPM

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: Put in 6. main this summer. New backup well coming on line in July.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.
3. Charles Clark, 2-27-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Town of Pine Haven

Introduction: Pine Haven is located in southwestern Crook county, on the south side of Keyhole Reservoir.

Service Area Population: 222

Number of Taps: 150

Water Supply: The water supply for Pine Haven consists of one 3400-foot deep Madison well. It produces 120 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 280,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Package treatment plant. Does not discharge to surface water.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $15.00, plus $0.70 per 1000 gallons for usage above base amount of 5000 gallons

Annual Water Use: 18.0 million gallons (average day = 49,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 220 gallons, Peak day = 585 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 130,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 120 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: One Madison well, #29613, November 10, 1977.

Water Rights Capacity: 120 gpm

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by Pine Haven.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Southfork Estates Improvement and Service District

Introduction: South Fork is located approximately 1 mile southwest of the southwest corner of Gillette.

Service Area Population: 115

Number of Taps: 42

Water Supply: The water supply for South Fork is one 1600-foot Fort Union well. The well produces 80 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 64,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: N/A

Annual Water Use: 3.36 million gallons (average day = 9200 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 80 gallons, Peak day = 220 gallons.

Peak Day Demand: 25,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 80 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Sunburst Water and Sewer District

Introduction: The Sunburst Water and Sewer District is inactive. Water is now supplied by the city of Gillette. Sunburst formerly had their own water system, but the distribution system is now operated by Gillette. The subdivision is within the Gillette city limits, south of I-90.

Service Area Population:

Number of Taps: About 170 in the subdivision

Water Supply: By city of Gillette

Water Treatment:

Raw Water Storage:

Finished Water Storage:

Wastewater Treatment Discharge:

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand:

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: City of Sundance

Introduction: The city of Sundance is the county seat of Crook County. The water system for Sundance also serves Green Mountain Water District

Service Area Population: 1250

Number of Taps: 636

Water Supply: The water supply for Sundance consists of 4 wells with depths of 506 (Minnelusa) to 1228 feet. The 3 deeper wells are in the Madison formation. The wells have a combined capacity of 1000 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 584,000

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoons, non-discharging.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $5.50, plus $2.75 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 2000 gallons. Average monthly water bill is $22.00.

Annual Water Use: 65.7 million gallons (average day = 180,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 150 gallons, Peak day = 350 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 650,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 1000 gallons

Municipal Water Rights: Yes

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: Add a 280,000 gallon storage tank.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. John Kiplinger, Director of Public Works, telephone conversation 2-27-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Town of Upton

Introduction: The town of Upton is located in northern Weston County, about 26 miles northwest of Newcastle.

Service Area Population: 950

Number of Taps: 426

Water Supply: The town of Upton is served by 3 wells with depths of 3200 to 3700 feet (Madison formation). They have a combined yield of 840 gpm (280, 360 and 200 gpm).

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 650,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoon. Periodically discharge (once or twice per year).

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $8.00, plus $1.50 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 1000 gallons. Average water bill = $20.00.

Annual Water Use: 78.8 million gallons (average day = 216,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 225 gallons, Peak day = 530 gallons.

Peak Day Demand: 500,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 840 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Yes

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements: New water storage tank. Line replacement.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Mark Lindstrom, Town of Upton, telephone conversation 3-2-01, (468-2727).

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Van Tassell

Introduction: Van Tassell is a small community located in extreme southeastern Niobrara County, near the Nebraska state line. It has its own water supply. No further information was available in the WWDC 2000 System Survey Report.

Service Area Population: 18

Number of Taps:

Water Supply:

Water Treatment:

Raw Water Storage:

Finished Water Storage:

Wastewater Treatment Discharge:

Monthly Water Rates:

Annual Water Use:

Per Capita Use:

Peak Day Demand:

Water Supply System Capacity:

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Vista West Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Vista West is a subdivision located near Sundance. The water system for Vista West also serves a Forest Service campground.

Service Area Population: 250

Number of Taps: 53

Water Supply: The water supply for Vista West consists of two wells with depths of 400 and 1124 feet. They have a combined yield of 130 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 210,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $15.00, plus $1.75 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 4000 gallons. The average monthly water bill is $20.00.

Annual Water Use: 9 million gallons (average day = 25,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 100 gallons, Peak day = 130 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 60,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 130 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Special use permit from U.S. Forest Service.

Water Rights Capacity: Not limited.

Near Future Improvements: None

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by Vista West.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Wessex Improvement and Service District

Introduction: Wessex is located 17 miles east of Gillette, 4 miles east of Rozet. While Wessex is located immediately adjacent to the city of Gillette Madison pipeline, they remain on their own well.

Service Area Population: 21

Number of Taps: 7

Water Supply: The water supply for Wessex consists of one 520-foot deep Wasatch well, with a yield of 20 gpm.

Water Treatment: None

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 16,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: None. On-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: Flat rate of $50.00

Annual Water Use: 1.15 million gallons (average day = 3150 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 150 gallons, Peak day = 300 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 6300 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 20 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Yes. Permit #37170, June 23, 1970.

Water Rights Capacity: 50 gpm

Near Future Improvements: Would like a back-up connection to Gillette.s Madison pipeline.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Questionnaire completed by Corky Stetson.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: West End Water District

Introduction: West End Water District is located next to Newcastle. Its water system also serves Oil Creek Water District.

Service Area Population: 300

Number of Taps: 77

Water Supply: The water supply for West End consists of one 2775-foot deep Madision well, with a yield of 1150 gpm.

Water Treatment: None

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: None

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: West End discharges into Newcastle Sewer System. Oil Creek is on on-site systems.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $55.00, plus $1.00 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 27,000 gallons. Average water bill = $55.00.

Annual Water Use: 5.475 million gallons (average day = 15,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 50 gallons, Peak day = 200 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 60,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 1150 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:

Water Rights Capacity:

Near Future Improvements:

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Don McKenzie, Wyoming DEQ, 2-26-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Westridge Water Users

Introduction: Westridge is located within the city limits of Gillette, in the southeastern part of the city. It remains on its own water system however.

Service Area Population: 260

Number of Taps: 66

Water Supply: The water supply for Westridge consists of two Fort Union wells with depths of 1100 and 1200 feet. The wells have a combined yield of 105 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 100,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge:

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $15.00, plus $0.90 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount.

Annual Water Use: 25.5 million gallons (average day = 70,000 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 270 gallons, Peak day = 650 gallons

Peak Day Demand: 140,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 105 gpm

Municipal Water Rights: Yes

Water Rights Capacity: 125 gpm

Near Future Improvements: None

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Dan Price, telephone conversation, 3-2-01.

Municipal Water Use Summary

Entity: Wright Water and Sewer District

Introduction: The Wright Water and Sewer District provides water to the town of Wright. Wright is located in southern Campbell County.

Service Area Population: 1500

Number of Taps: 715

Water Supply: The water supply for Wright comes from 4 Fort Union wells with depths from 2700 to 3018 feet. The wells have a combined yield of 1350 gpm.

Water Treatment: Disinfection

Raw Water Storage: None

Finished Water Storage: 1,500,000 gallons

Wastewater Treatment Discharge: Lagoon system discharges about 72,000 gallons per day.

Monthly Water Rates: Base rate of $12.00, plus $1.35 per 1000 gallons for usage above the base amount of 9000 gallons. Average monthly water bill = $12.00.

Annual Water Use: 120 million gallons (average day = 328,800 gallons)

Per Capita Use: Average day = 219 gallons, Peak day = 540 gallons.

Peak Day Demand: 783,000 gallons

Water Supply System Capacity: 1350 gpm

Municipal Water Rights:RJ2 . New Permit #101356 . 360 gpm
RJ3 . New Permit #101357 . 360 gpm
RJ4 . New Permit #101358 . 360 gpm
RJ5 . New Permit #101359 . 480 gpm

Water Rights Capacity: 1560 gpm

Near Future Improvements: Expansion of system may be needed if construction of Two Elk Power Plant proceeds, and if CBM development continues to grow.

1. Wyoming Water Development Commission, 2000 Water System Survey Report.
2. Information provided by Water District Manager, November 2000.