Wyoming State Water Plan, Wyoming Water Development Office
Rafting on Snake River Lake Marie, Snowy Mountains Wyoming Wind River Range picture

Green River Basin Water Plan
Final Report

III       Available Surface Water and Groundwater Determination

This chapter presents estimates of the availability of both surface water and ground water for future uses. Surface water availability is determined by naturally available water at various points in the Basin, minus existing uses. Groundwater availability is a function of hydrogeologic conditions and current use as described in existing reports and well records.

As with all chapters in this final plan report, explicit lists of references are not provided. Instead, all references to reports, documents, maps, and personal communications are maintained in the Technical Memoranda that were prepared during the current planning process. Should the reader desire to review a complete list of references for the information presented in this chapter, the following memoranda should be consulted:

A. Surface Water

The following subsections describe the analysis of existing surface water data, creation of a spreadsheet-based surface water model, and the use of model output to estimate water availability. It should be noted that the results described herein denote physical availability over and above existing uses, which is to be distinguished from legal or permitted availability. As projects are proposed in the future, surface water physical availability will be reduced due to environmental and administrative requirements. However, physical availability is the important first step in assessing the viability of any future project. Lack of physical availability of water for a project is an obvious fatal flaw for any water development.

Study Period Selection

Modeling the Green River Basin requires selection of an appropriate period of record for hydrologic analysis. The feasibility study determined that three 12-month spreadsheet models (one each representing normal-year, dry-year, and wet-year streamflows) constitute an appropriate level of detail for a modeling tool to verify existing uses and evaluate future surface water uses. Gage flows used in the three spreadsheets are to be typical of three different conditions and are to be developed by averaging observed streamflows that occurred during historical normal, wet, or dry years. Accordingly, the objectives of this task were to:

Review of Reservoirs

Because a single annual cycle will be used to model each hydrologic condition, the normal data developed for input to the model is best derived from an operationally consistent time period. Construction or major modification of a reservoir during the study period would influence the downstream gages, hence reservoir history places significant control on selection of the study period. For this reason, major reservoirs (greater than 10,000 acre-feet) that have been constructed or modified during the past fifty years were reviewed to consider their influence on selection of the study period, with the following summarized results:

Initial screening of current basin operations suggests that the study period begin in 1971 and end in 1998. By 1971, every major existing reservoir except for Stateline was in place. A twenty-year study period (1979-1998) consistent with the post-construction period of Stateline Reservoir may be too short for a quantitative analysis. An alternative is to select 1971 through 1998 and adjust the gage below Stateline Reservoir (09220000 . East Fork of Smith Fork below Robertson) from 1971 to 1979 to reflect representative operations of Stateline Reservoir, had it existed during this time period.

Review of Streamflow Records

Analysis of available streamflow data consisted of reviewing the USGS Water-Data Report, Volume 1, Surface Water. This report lists discontinued and active surface water discharge, water quality, sediment and biological stations. This information was supplemented by a review of data reported in the SEO Annual Hydrographers Report.

Review of Hydrologic Conditions

The reservoir history and availability of gage records led to a preliminary conclusion that 1971-1998 should serve as the study period. Ideally, the modeling study period should be representative of long-term hydrologic conditions in the Basin. To analyze this aspect of the proposed study period, annual flows were reviewed for the USGS gage 09188500 Green River at Warren Bridge near Daniel (Figure III-1). This gage has the longest record of the Green River Basin gages in Wyoming (1932-1998, excluding 1993), and as an indicator of long-term versus short-term statistics, is assumed applicable to the entire Basin. Characteristics of the long-term record and the proposed study period are tabulated below:

Figure III-1 Green River at Warren Bridge, near Daniel, WY
Green River at Warren Bridge, near Daniel, WY

Characteristics of Annual Flow Series for 091885500 Green River at Warren Bridge near Daniel

1932-1998 (excluding 1993) Record 1971-1998 (excluding 1993) Record
Mean 367,426 368,744
Standard Deviation 82,724 99,929
Three highest years 1986 / 1997 / 1971 1986 / 1997 / 1971
Three highest values (AF) 556,150 / 513,080 / 499,510 556,150 / 513,080 / 499,510
Three lowest years 1977 / 1934 / 1992 1977 / 1992 / 1988
Three lowest values (AF) 203,260 / 208,720 / 213,910 203,260 / 213,910 / 232,330

The table shows that the means of the two periods are very similar. The standard deviation for the shorter period is higher due to the smaller sample size. Most notably, the short period includes the three highest annual flows of record, as well as two of the three driest. Furthermore, Figure III-1 shows that the most enduring drought of record (1987-1992) is captured in the model study period. Usually the concern is that the short period does not include extremes found in the longer record, but in this case, extremes of both wet and dry are clearly included in the proposed study period.

Selected Study Period

Based on available records, existence of reservoirs, and representativeness of the period, 1971-1998 is selected as the modeling study period. This 28-year period, on average, appears similar to long-term conditions, and includes wet, dry and normal years.

In this evaluation, traditional hydrologic techniques were used to estimate missing data. Typically, this means beginning by looking for a strong linear relationship between data that overlap in time at gages with similar hydrology. The basis of success for this procedure hinges on finding similarity in runoff characteristics between two streams, then using that similarity to "rebuild" missing data values at the deficient gage for the years when no overlap exists.

Index Gage Selection

The objective of this work was to identify gages to be used to identify normal, wet and dry years by ranking of annual flows. The gages selected as representative for this purpose were termed "index" gages. Ultimately, the top (largest annual flow amounts) 20 percent of the years were designated as wet years, the middle 60 percent designated as normal years, and the 20 percent with lowest annual flows designated as dry years. The purpose of this subtask was to select gages for this ranking task that provided coverage of the Basin, were relatively free of influence by man's activities, and which were relatively complete during the study period. Gages in operation during most, if not all, of the study period were selected for evaluation as index gages. Additionally, if a gage was in operation seasonally throughout the study period, it was included in the evaluation as a potential index gage.


The index gages and corresponding wet and dry year selection are shown in Table III-1. There was no exact duplication of hydrologic condition (i.e. wet and dry years did not correspond at all gages all the time), so all seven index gages were used, applied to geographical areas as follows (see Figure III-2 through Figure III-5):

Table III-1 Wet, Normal and Dry Years for Green River Basin Index Gages

Figure III-2 Upper Green River Node Diagram
Upper Green River Node Diagram
click to enlarge

Figure III-3 Blacks Fork Node Diagram
Blacks Fork Node Diagram
click to enlarge

Figure III-4 Henrys Fork Node Diagram
Henrys Fork Node Diagram
click to enlarge

Figure III-5 Little Snake River Node Diagram
Little Snake River Node Diagram
click to enlarge

Spreadsheet Model Development

Spreadsheet models were developed to determine average monthly streamflow in the Basin during normal, wet, and dry years. The purpose of these models was to validate existing basin uses, assist in determining the timing and location of water available for future development, and help to assess impacts of future water supply alternatives.

This work resulted in the creation of twelve spreadsheet workbooks, one for each of the three hydrologic conditions and four distinct sub-basins:

The three workbooks for each sub-basin are yoked together with a simple menu-driven graphical user interface (GUI), effectively creating four sub-basin models.

Model Overview

For each Green River sub-basin, three models were developed, reflecting each of three hydrologic conditions: dry, normal, and wet year water supply. The spreadsheets each represent one calendar year of flows, on a monthly time step. The modelers relied on historical gage data from 1971 to 1998 to identify the hydrologic conditions for each year in the study period, as discussed in the technical memorandum for Surface Water Data Collection and Study Period Selection. Streamflow, consumptive use, diversions, irrigation returns, and reservoir conditions are the basic input data to the model. For all of these data, average values drawn from the dry, normal, or wet subset of the study period were computed for use in the spreadsheets. The models do not explicitly account for water rights, appropriations, or Compact allocations nor is the model operated based on these legal constraints. It is assumed that the historical data reflect effects of any limitations that may have been placed upon water users by water rights restrictions.

To mathematically represent each sub-basin system, the river system was divided into reaches based primarily upon the location of major tributary confluences. Each reach was then sub-divided by identifying a series of individual nodes representing diversions, reservoirs, tributary confluences, gages, or other significant water resources features. The resulting network is the simplification of the real world which the model represents. Figure III-2 through Figure III-5 (above) present node diagrams of the models developed for the Green River. Each numbered node in the figure is a node in the model.

Natural or virgin flow for each month is supplied to the model by specifying flow at every headwater node, and incremental stream gains and losses within each downstream reach. Where available, upper basin gages were selected as headwater nodes; in their absence, flow at the ungaged headwater point was estimated outside the spreadsheet.

Model output includes the diversion demand and simulated diversions at each of the diversion points, and streamflow at each of the Green River Basin nodes. Estimates of impacts associated with various water projects can be analyzed by changing input data, as decreases in available streamflow or as changes to diversions occur. New storage projects that alter the timing of streamflows or shortages may also be evaluated.

Model Development

The model was developed using Microsoft ® Excel 97. The workbooks contain macros written in Microsoft ® Excel Visual Basic programming language. The primary function of the macros is to facilitate navigation within the workbook. There are no macros that need to be executed to complete computation of any formulas or results. In other words, whenever a number is input into any cell anywhere in the workbook, the entire workbook is recalculated and updated automatically.

The delineation of a river basin by reaches and nodes is more an art than a science. The choice of nodes must consider the objectives of the study and the available data. It also must contain all the water resource features that govern the operation of the Basin. The analysis of results and their adequacy in addressing the objectives of the study are based on the input data and the configuration of the river basin by the computer model.

The following reaches and nodes are contained in each basin model:

Gage Data

Monthly stream gage data were obtained from the Wyoming Water Resources Data System (WRDS) for each of the stream gages used in the model. Linear regression techniques were used to estimate missing values for the many gages that had incomplete records. Once the gages were filled in for the study period, monthly values for Dry, Normal, and Wet conditions were averaged from the Dry, Normal, or Wet years of the study period.

Headwater inflow at several ungaged locations is also on the Gage Data worksheet. Different approaches to estimating the flow were used, depending on the complexity of the stream system and availability of data. The model uses estimated flow at ungaged headwater nodes as if they were gages.

Diversion Data

Diversions in the Green River Basin Models are attributable either to Municipal and Industrial use, or Agricultural use. The spreadsheets model only the consumptive portion of all municipal and industrial diversions. Agricultural diversion nodes fall into two categories: explicitly modeled structures, and aggregated structures. Explicitly modeled structures were structures for which adequate historical diversion records and a high confidence estimate of irrigated area were available. These structures generally served as indicators of irrigation practice throughout the Basin. Their entire diversions and resulting return flows were included in the model. For the aggregate structures, consumptive use only was modeled.

Data on the diversion data sheet are used to calculate ungaged reach gains and losses, and in some cases, inflow at ungaged headwater nodes. They are also used as the diversion demand in the Reach/Node worksheets.

Collection of agricultural diversion data is discussed in the technical memorandum Irrigation Diversion Operation and Description. These data were reviewed and ditches that had sufficient diversion data for analysis of average dry, normal and wet year conditions were selected for explicit modeling. No attempts were made to fill missing records. Diversion data for explicitly modeled structures are the average dry, normal and wet year monthly diversions, calculated from the available records.

Diversions for aggregated structures were calculated as the product of estimated irrigated acreage, monthly consumptive irrigation requirement (CIR), and the fraction of the month in which diversion was practiced. Monthly CIR is estimated as a function of latitude, precipitation, and temperature, and therefore varies for dry, normal, and wet conditions.

Municipal and industrial diversions were taken from the technical memoranda Basin Water Use Profile . Municipal and Basin Water Use Profile . Industrial. Values reported in these memoranda represent the consumptive use portion of the municipal and industrial diversions. No attempts were made to estimate return flows. With the exception of the Cheyenne Stage I and II diversions discussed below, no attempts were made to develop dry, normal and wet year municipal and industrial diversions.

Surface Water Availability

The Green River Basin spreadsheet model is a tool for identifying flows that are available to Wyoming water users for future development, and evaluating yield and impacts of potential projects at a planning level. The purpose of this task is to analyze historical runs developed during spreadsheet calibration to determine location, quantity, and timing of available flows. The calibration spreadsheets represent conditions in the four sub-basins (Little Snake, Henrys Fork, Blacks Fork, and Green River) under current levels of development for three hydrologic conditions: Dry, Normal, and Wet year water supply. Background information on the spreadsheet model can be found in other technical memos prepared for this project.

Available Flow

Each basin model is divided into a number of reaches, each composed of several nodes, or water balance points. Reaches are typically defined by gages or confluences, and represent tributary basins or subsections of the mainstem. An output worksheet in each spreadsheet model summarizes monthly flow at the downstream end of each reach, and provides the basis of this analysis.

While simulated flow at the reach terminus indicates estimated amount of water physically present, it does not fully reflect availability. If a downstream diverter has historically diverted the entire stream at its headgate, the water supply at the upper point is not available for future development; it is already needed to meet current requirements.

Available Water Determination

To determine how much of the physical supply is actually available to future uses, "available water" at a reach terminus was defined as the minimum of the physically available flow at that point, and "available water" at all downstream reaches. Thus available flow must be defined first at the most downstream point, with upstream availability calculated in stream order. These calculations were made on a monthly basis, and annual availability was computed as the sum of monthly availabilities. Note that calculating annual availability in this way yields a different value than applying the same logic to annual flows for each reach. The summation of monthly values is more accurate, reflecting constraints of downstream use on a monthly basis.

Instream Flow Right Considerations

Instream flow rights exert a demand on the river but do not affect physical supply, because the water is not removed from the stream. Thus any reach terminus located immediately upstream of a reach that contained an instream flow right had to be handled specially. That is, available flow at the upstream reach terminus was determined as the minimum of physical flow at that point, and "available water" less the instream flow requirement at the downstream reach terminus.

The two permitted instream flow rights and 32 pending instream flow applications were reviewed for applicability of the special handling described above. (See the technical memorandum.Instream Flows in Wyoming) Except for one, all the instream flow rights are located high enough in the Basin that they have no upstream reach in the model. The exception is a 1.5-mile long reach of the West Fork New Fork River, under permit #7IF. Available water at the downstream terminus of Reach 8 in the Green River sub-basin spreadsheet was calculated taking the instream flow demand into consideration.

Compact Considerations

The spreadsheet models do not contain logic to simulate curtailment of water rights on a priority basis in order to meet the State's obligations under the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact (the Compact). The models were developed to portray historical use over the study period 1971-1998. Never during that time, nor since the Compact was ratified, have diversions been curtailed pursuant to Article IV of the Compact. While the principles under which such administration should be conducted are set forth in the Compact, actual details of their application have not been worked out by the Upper Colorado River Commission. Accordingly, simulation of curtailment was outside the scope of this effort. The models could be used, however, to test the impacts of a future downstream demand representing a Compact delivery obligation.

Article XI of the Compact addresses the division of the waters of the Little Snake River, whose tributaries lie on both sides of the Colorado-Wyoming state line, and whose mainstem crosses the boundary numerous times. The Compact identifies a point 100 feet below the mouth of Savery Creek, above which pre-Compact rights are not subject to calls emanating from below the point. This administrative nuance does not alter the definition of available flow for new or future uses above the so-called Compact point, however, since they could be regulated to satisfy senior pre-Compact priority date water rights below the Compact point. Post-Compact rights, including future uses, below the Compact point, "shall be administered on the basis of an interstate priority schedule prepared by the Commission in conformity with priority dates established by the laws of the respective States," according to Article XI. Therefore, calculation of "available water" in this part of the Basin must take into consideration the needs of downstream users in Colorado. To summarize, the method of calculating available water described above, when applied to the Little Snake including the Colorado sections of the river, is in accordance with Article XI of the Compact.


Table III-2 through Table III-13 summarize water availability for the four sub-basins and three hydrologic conditions on a monthly basis.

Table III-2 Available Flow for Little Snake River Basin and Dry Hydrologic Condition
values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 North Fork Little Snake River 436.431.814. 3582.7442.3351. 492.70.268. 577.508.438. 18409.
2 Middle Fork Little Snake River 679.668.1457. 7156.14971.6257. 492.70.268. 969.826.684. 34497.
3 Little Snake River between Middle Fork and South Fork 1406.1382.3015. 14810.31471.14517. 492.70.268. 2006.1710.1416. 72563.
4 South Fork Little Snake River 257.253.552. 2711.5617.2195. 289.70.177. 367.313.259. 13060.
5 Little Snake River between South Fork and Roaring Fork Little Snake 1663.1635.3567. 17522.37074.16665. 492.70.268. 2373.2023.1675. 85027.
6 Little Snake River between Roaring Fork and Battle Creek 1663.1635.8814. 20377.49645.21963. 492.70.268. 2373.2023.1675. 111000.
7 Battle Creek 967.993.2070. 8308.11464.3490. 429.70.268. 1431.1292.1109. 31890.
8 Little Snake River between Battle Creek and Slater Creek 2378.2628.10885. 28685.59873.21963. 492.70.268. 3802.3315.2783. 137143.
9 Slater Creek 986.1010.2022. 7878.10768.3119. 318.70.268. 1422.1291.1119. 30272.
10 Little Snake River between Slater Creek and Savery Creek 2378.3221.12906. 36563.59873.21963. 492.70.268. 3802.4406.2966. 148911.
11 Savery Creek 1685.1712.3687. 12045.11530.3561. 376.70.268. 1870.1937.1873. 40615.
12 Little Snake River between Savery Creek and Willow Creek 2378.3221.16851. 49518.59873.21963. 492.70.268. 3802.4406.2966. 165810.
13 Willow Creek 134.145.264. 911.973.0. 112.82.94. 195.181.141. 3230.
14 Little Snake River between Willow Creek and Muddy Creek 3644.4549.16851. 49518.59873.22629. 911.520.436. 4425.5454.4256. 173067.
15 Muddy Creek 24.18.3150. 1560.1025.718. 238.79.113. 461.195.39. 7618.
16 Little Snake River between Muddy Creek and Little Snake River near Lily, CO gage 4472.5365.19805. 49918.59873.28243. 2878.644.436. 6087.6620.5095. 189437.

Table III-3 Available Flow for Little Snake River Basin and Normal Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 North Fork Little Snake River 487.482.768. 3022.14166.12396. 2404.629.459. 605.564.518. 36500.
2 Middle Fork Little Snake River 784.774.1362. 6001.28794.24978. 4451.1028.617. 1027.942.848. 71608.
3 Little Snake River between Middle Fork and South Fork 1623.1602.2819. 12421.60052.52683. 10073.1250.617. 2126.1950.1754. 148971.
4 South Fork Little Snake River 297.293.516. 2274.10847.9329. 1569.369.260. 389.357.321. 26822.
5 Little Snake River between South Fork and Roaring Fork Little Snake 1921.1895.3335. 14694.70882.61977. 11611.1250.617. 2515.2308.2076. 175081.
6 Little Snake River between Roaring Fork and Battle Creek 1921.3294.11796. 17734.75301.75208. 17326.1250.617. 2515.2308.2076. 211345.
7 Battle Creek 1176.1181.2476. 8078.28733.19262. 3238.667.617. 1434.1359.1240. 69462.
8 Little Snake River between Battle Creek and Slater Creek 3097.4475.14272. 25812.104034.94470. 18004.1250.617. 3949.3666.3316. 276963.
9 Slater Creek 1182.1187.2403. 7663.26974.17985. 2961.677.617. 1424.1354.1242. 65669.
10 Little Snake River between Slater Creek and Savery Creek 4242.5662.16675. 33474.130783.111972. 18004.1250.617. 5275.5020.4558. 337534.
11 Savery Creek 2026.1997.3836. 12621.34940.22007. 3854.1120.617. 2073.2101.2048. 89242.
12 Little Snake River between Savery Creek and Willow Creek 4242.7830.20954. 47384.160497.120576. 18004.1250.617. 5275.6134.4616. 397380.
13 Willow Creek 180.172.449. 1289.2226.1688. 529.218.155. 216.179.177. 7478.
14 Little Snake River between Willow Creek and Muddy Creek 5619.9450.20954. 53211.164610.122097. 20187.2176.1117. 5459.6569.5945. 417394.
15 Muddy Creek 36.30.4765. 2871.3080.1180. 518.132.101. 400.551.109. 13772.
16 Little Snake River between Muddy Creek and Little Snake River near Lily, CO gage 6446.10246.24151. 56543.168774.127104. 25778.4734.2436. 7585.8449.6842. 449088.

Table III-4 Available Flow for Little Snake River Basin and Wet Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 North Fork Little Snake River 657.516.818. 4190.19920.19855. 3965.826.680. 725.631.602. 53386.
2 Middle Fork Little Snake River 1133.845.1465. 8407.40575.40349. 7673.1432.1177. 1275.1080.1022. 106432.
3 Little Snake River between Middle Fork and South Fork 2346.1748.3032. 17398.84631.84445. 16714.3115.2448. 2639.2234.2115. 222864.
4 South Fork Little Snake River 429.320.555. 3185.15284.15160. 2794.522.445. 483.409.387. 39972.
5 Little Snake River between South Fork and Roaring Fork Little Snake 2775.2068.3587. 20583.99890.99571. 19478.3631.2889. 3122.2643.2502. 262740.
6 Little Snake River between Roaring Fork and Battle Creek 2775.2068.13301. 24224.106992.116728. 28786.4799.2889. 3122.2643.2502. 310829.
7 Battle Creek 1482.1272.2475. 8338.38864.27969. 5514.1228.1605. 2056.1658.1373. 93834.
8 Little Snake River between Battle Creek and Slater Creek 4257.3341.15776. 32561.145856.144697. 34300.4799.4366. 5178.4302.3874. 403306.
9 Slater Creek 1469.1272.2402. 7907.36451.26169. 5103.1204.1583. 2008.1635.1367. 88569.
10 Little Snake River between Slater Creek and Savery Creek 5726.4613.18178. 40468.181986.170408. 36612.4799.4366. 7186.5937.5241. 485518.
11 Savery Creek 2230.2033.3554. 12296.48005.33840. 6678.1857.2481. 2913.2531.2224. 120640.
12 Little Snake River between Savery Creek and Willow Creek 5974.5981.22288. 54464.227350.194067. 36612.4799.4366. 7857.7732.6621. 577710.
13 Willow Creek 255.247.558. 1700.3139.2611. 1004.277.266. 318.250.234. 10860.
14 Little Snake River between Willow Creek and Muddy Creek 7361.7565.23748. 63058.240561.211738. 42260.5700.5118. 8286.8329.7416. 631140.
15 Muddy Creek 36.30.4765. 2871.3080.1180. 518.132.101. 400.551.109. 13772.
16 Little Snake River between Muddy Creek and Little Snake River near Lily, CO gage 8177.8373.29155. 66325.243117.215717. 47410.9398.8268. 10852.10250.8303. 665345.

Table III-5 Available Flow for Henrys Fork Basin and Dry Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Below Henrys Fork near Lonetree (09226000) and Beaver Creek 541.473.1000. 868.1459.3113. 236.121.59. 548.626.580. 9624.
2 Beaver Creek 965.883.1456. 1331.1459.3113. 236.121.59. 897.1048.1019. 12588.
3 Henrys Fork between Beaver Creek and Burnt Fork 1506.1356.2456. 1694.1459.3113. 236.121.59. 897.1674.1599. 16170.
4 Burnt Fork 464.449.495. 585.2030.2995. 581.435.298. 639.562.497. 10030.
5 Henrys Fork between Burnt Fork and Birch Creek 1970.1805.3049. 2279.2030.4004. 581.435.298. 1399.2236.2096. 22181.
6 Birch Creek 171.166.183. 216.924.1269. 419.335.199. 236.207.183. 4507.
7 Henrys Fork between Birch Creek and Henrys Fork near Manila, UT gage (09229500) 2116.1939.3231. 2336.2030.4004. 581.435.298. 1399.2313.2224. 22906.

Table III-6 Available Flow for Henrys Fork Basin and Normal Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Below Henrys Fork near Lonetree (09226000) and Beaver Creek 844.978.1908. 1870.6103.9691. 3064.1310.588. 862.1151.937. 29305.
2 Beaver Creek 1259.1388.2378. 2418.6439.9150. 3620.1397.934. 1264.1573.1358. 33179.
3 Henrys Fork between Beaver Creek and Burnt Fork 2103.2366.4286. 4288.8212.12875. 3620.1397.1155. 2126.2724.2295. 47448.
4 Burnt Fork 532.498.551. 737.3574.6212. 2306.1121.612. 821.654.580. 18199.
5 Henrys Fork between Burnt Fork and Birch Creek 2636.2942.5179. 5112.9994.15472. 4599.1954.1666. 2841.3379.2874. 58645.
6 Birch Creek 196.184.203. 272.1359.2430. 959.442.259. 303.241.214. 7062.
7 Henrys Fork between Birch Creek and Henrys Fork near Manila, UT gage (09229500) 2817.3126.5382. 5384.9994.15472. 4599.1954.1666. 2841.3547.3042. 59821.

Table III-7 Available Flow for Henrys Fork Basin and Wet Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Below Henrys Fork near Lonetree (09226000) and Beaver Creek 1343.1012.2405. 2735.8557.17944. 8138.2781.1586. 1904.1583.1244. 51233.
2 Beaver Creek 1760.1420.2886. 3668.11101.17226. 8992.3459.2162. 2301.1999.1653. 58627.
3 Henrys Fork between Beaver Creek and Burnt Fork 3103.2433.5291. 6403.15595.32654. 17072.6193.3742. 4205.3582.2897. 103169.
4 Burnt Fork 579.535.594. 925.3501.11749. 7713.2618.1359. 1000.748.644. 31963.
5 Henrys Fork between Burnt Fork and Birch Creek 3778.3006.6343. 7527.18668.38708. 20403.7621.4742. 5204.4330.3542. 123873.
6 Birch Creek 213.197.219. 341.1328.4454. 2940.989.511. 369.276.238. 12075.
7 Henrys Fork between Birch Creek and Henrys Fork near Manila, UT gage (09229500) 3992.3204.6562. 7868.18668.38708. 20403.7621.4742. 5286.4554.3750. 125358.

Table III-8 Available Flow for Blacks Fork Basin and Dry Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Upper Blacks Fork 775.1134.3462. 3180.4225.3718. 2049.840.644. 1200.1050.982. 23260.
2 West Fork of Smiths Fork 331.506.1554. 1387.2696.1269. 937.113.499. 372.452.420. 10534.
3 East Fork of Smiths Fork 478.549.1108. 1124.4093.4766. 2049.840.644. 793.600.529. 17573.
4 Smiths Fork 848.1139.3018. 2794.4505.4766. 2049.840.644. 1884.1312.1016. 24816.
5 Cottonwood Creek 140.194.541. 610.1306.77. 0.0.0. 195.191.171. 3424.
6 Smiths Fork between Cottonwood Creek and Blacks Fork River 988.1332.3559. 3404.5811.4766. 2049.840.644. 2079.1503.1186. 28163.
7 Blacks Fork between Smiths Fork and Muddy Creek 1763.2466.7021. 6584.6888.4766. 2049.840.644. 2481.2433.2168. 40105.
8 Little Muddy Creek 308.487.600. 971.450.167. 81.139.90. 241.547.479. 4560.
9 Upper Muddy Creek 0.18.343. 449.224.61. 0.0.0. 0.139.0. 1234.
10 Muddy Creek below Little Muddy Creek 308.505.943. 1420.674.228. 81.139.90. 241.686.479. 5794.
11 Blacks Fork between Muddy Creek and Hams Fork 2071.3071.10130. 10111.10946.5218. 2166.979.734. 2772.3207.2647. 54053.
12 Hams Fork River 961.1069.7058. 7762.16874.7251. 1578.1448.259. 1668.1376.1052. 48355.
13 Blacks Fork between Hams Fork and Blacks Fork nr Little America gage 2783.4140.17188. 17873.27820.12469. 3744.1448.832. 4439.4583.3622. 100941.

Table III-9 Available Flow for Blacks Fork Basin and Normal Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Upper Blacks Fork 1366.1738.5347. 7403.10309.11695. 4814.2740.2111. 1806.1735.1249. 52313.
2 West Fork of Smiths Fork 500.714.2286. 2584.4749.4078. 957.377.493. 436.633.461. 18266.
3 East Fork of Smiths Fork 704.751.1657. 1978.4964.10491. 5081.2546.1688. 1358.884.670. 32772.
4 Smiths Fork 1324.1625.4537. 5629.9858.11907. 6448.3047.2589. 2008.1738.1231. 51942.
5 Cottonwood Creek 192.267.771. 910.2362.1710. 109.112.64. 228.281.205. 7211.
6 Smiths Fork between Cottonwood Creek and Blacks Fork River 1516.1892.5308. 6538.12219.13617. 6557.3047.2589. 2236.2020.1436. 58976.
7 Blacks Fork between Smiths Fork and Muddy Creek 2882.3630.10655. 13941.21421.23177. 7073.3047.2589. 3188.3755.2684. 98042.
8 Little Muddy Creek 469.718.2168. 5353.2348.1257. 545.314.264. 342.298.404. 14479.
9 Upper Muddy Creek 111.369.2804. 2259.6962.2862. 400.0.0. 322.412.258. 16759.
10 Muddy Creek below Little Muddy Creek 580.1086.4972. 7612.9310.4119. 945.314.264. 664.710.663. 31238.
11 Blacks Fork between Muddy Creek and Hams Fork 3626.4910.16842. 22773.33457.27878. 8176.3361.2853. 3914.4696.3347. 135832.
12 Hams Fork River 2030.1988.6676. 12840.28300.24186. 7099.3041.3040. 1947.2099.1683. 94931.
13 Blacks Fork between Hams Fork and Blacks Fork nr Little America gage 5656.6898.23518. 35613.61757.52064. 15276.5919.4542. 5861.6796.4948. 228847.

Table III-10 Available Flow for Blacks Fork Basin and Wet Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Upper Blacks Fork 1773.2157.6603. 7841.19093.33210. 14269.5162.4046. 3109.2517.1755. 101534.
2 West Fork of Smiths Fork 649.861.2852. 2963.6682.9658. 4581.1458.1135. 890.824.600. 33152.
3 East Fork of Smiths Fork 849.898.1975. 2201.6335.18716. 12871.4720.3451. 1888.1319.882. 56104.
4 Smiths Fork 1654.1964.5553. 6185.15240.29056. 18554.8654.6329. 3775.2693.1639. 101297.
5 Cottonwood Creek 289.346.1009. 1081.2367.4688. 2107.693.563. 465.427.286. 14322.
6 Smiths Fork between Cottonwood Creek and Blacks Fork River 1943.2310.6562. 7266.17607.33744. 20661.9347.6892. 4240.3120.1926. 115619.
7 Blacks Fork between Smiths Fork and Muddy Creek 3717.4467.13164. 15107.36700.66954. 30869.9998.7379. 6365.5531.3680. 203932.
8 Little Muddy Creek 469.718.2168. 5353.2348.1257. 545.314.264. 342.298.404. 14479.
9 Upper Muddy Creek 111.369.2804. 2259.6962.2862. 400.0.0. 322.412.258. 16759.
10 Muddy Creek below Little Muddy Creek 580.1086.4972. 7612.9310.4119. 945.314.264. 664.710.663. 31238.
11 Blacks Fork between Muddy Creek and Hams Fork 4296.5554.18704. 22719.46010.77087. 33989.11437.8803. 7481.6717.4372. 247168.
12 Hams Fork River 4065.5605.8788. 14857.46235.62688. 21846.6865.5462. 3104.3411.2892. 185820.
13 Blacks Fork between Hams Fork and Blacks Fork nr Little America gage 7226.9062.27492. 32467.89150.139775. 55835.18302.14265. 10585.10128.7264. 421550.

Table III-11 Available Flow for Green River Basin and Dry Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Upper Green River above Warren Bridge 5935.5567.6802. 17403.44939.58043. 28074.15919.12146. 10460.6890.6658. 218836.
2 Beaver Creek 335.305.639. 2261.1777.870. 42.39.201. 277.382.359. 7487.
3 Green River between Beaver Creek and Horse Creek 6332.5956.7728. 19757.44939.58043. 28074.15919.12146. 10816.7429.7095. 224233.
4 Horse Creek 784.899.2417. 2513.5072.4289. 2453.1634.490. 1113.1525.916. 24105.
5 Green River between Horse Creek and Cottonwood Creek 7116.6855.10145. 22269.48757.58043. 28074.15919.12337. 11929.8954.8011. 238409.
6 Cottonwood Creek 856.1012.2842. 2638.1597.0. 1332.525.171. 1381.1846.1072. 15271.
7 Green River between Cottonwood Creek and New Fork River 7972.7867.12987. 24907.49791.58043. 28074.15919.12374. 13311.10799.9083. 251126.
8 West Fork New Fork River above Pine Creek 0.0.0. 1854.15535.29488. 7479.0.0. 1679.617.0. 56652.
9 Pine Creek 4218.3460.4645. 7507.24818.39148. 18092.7787.5583. 7520.6270.5319. 134368.
10 Pole Creek 5090.4216.5560. 9478.24818.39148. 20696.8080.5583. 9537.7830.6327. 146362.
11 Boulder Creek 5500.4624.6136. 10629.42618.66935. 30185.11231.7712. 11707.8723.6869. 212870.
12 East Fork New Fork River 2957.3196.4336. 3941.21509.17287. 8446.4899.4237. 4259.4270.3342. 82678.
13 New Fork River below confluence of West and East Forks 10873.10550.14118. 15055.56830.66935. 44057.20146.15270. 18493.16228.12823. 301380.
14 Green River between New Fork River and Piney Creeks 18969.18586.27678. 40148.57368.66935. 52932.35771.27534. 31961.27341.22062. 427285.
15 North Piney Creek 1112.1274.3429. 1858.785.0. 2204.1629.193. 1800.2305.1324. 17913.
16 Middle Piney Creek 992.1213.3496. 1527.561.0. 3435.2653.299. 1393.2138.1188. 18895.
17 South Piney Creek 902.1035.2786. 2888.2800.1062. 1282.1426.408. 1282.1756.1055. 18684.
18 Green River between Piney Creeks and LaBarge Creek 21967.22102.37383. 46416.57368.66935. 52932.41508.28513. 36476.33556.25624. 470781.
19 LaBarge Creek 2404.2298.3595. 4096.6916.3872. 2936.2193.1950. 2772.3082.2759. 38874.
20 Green River between LaBarge Creek and Fontenelle Reservoir 24372.24400.40602. 50512.57368.66935. 52932.43942.30622. 39311.36667.28393. 496055.
21 Fontenelle Creek 1347.1297.1890. 3470.4231.2939. 610.565.934. 1793.1607.1413. 22095.
22 Green River between Fontenelle Reservoir and Big Sandy River 50627.41291.40602. 61966.57368.66935. 52932.51463.39138. 47695.49963.53297. 613277.
23 Big Sandy River below Farson gage and Green River 1550.1415.3170. 2687.2178.2582. 2928.3037.2950. 3112.2677.1892. 30177.
24 Green River between Big Sandy River and Green River near Green River gage 50627.42740.44590. 63005.57368.66935. 52932.51463.39138. 47695.49963.53297. 619753.

Table III-12 Available Flow for Green River Basin and Normal Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Upper Green River above Warren Bridge 6689.6159.7726. 16510.59720.98850. 80423.29914.17985. 14043.9305.7553. 354878.
2 Beaver Creek 676.635.894. 7554.6966.3053. 48.135.197. 562.813.710. 22243.
3 Green River between Beaver Creek and Horse Creek 7391.6842.8780. 24321.64490.98850. 80423.29914.17985. 14618.10216.8300. 372130.
4 Horse Creek 1051.1101.2107. 6460.15209.16446. 5603.3742.1179. 1512.1826.1158. 57393.
5 Green River between Horse Creek and Cottonwood Creek 8442.7943.10887. 30782.78265.112263. 82733.31262.18595. 16129.12042.9458. 418801.
6 Cottonwood Creek 1299.1350.2752. 8430.9787.9073. 6528.3599.1256. 2043.2302.1430. 49850.
7 Green River between Cottonwood Creek and New Fork River 9741.9293.13639. 39212.87407.119973. 87781.33785.19595. 18172.14344.10888. 463832.
8 West Fork New Fork River above Pine Creek 0.0.39. 5777.21286.57224. 24194.7536.2124. 3047.954.0. 122181.
9 Pine Creek 4803.4577.5880. 11430.34534.98862. 51498.16933.10158. 8888.6607.5377. 259547.
10 Pole Creek 6169.5857.7252. 14054.34828.99118. 60537.19678.10158. 9275.8057.6754. 281736.
11 Boulder Creek 7262.6806.8348. 16319.59468.164908. 86225.27205.15343. 13019.9694.8022. 422619.
12 East Fork New Fork River 3188.3237.4597. 7165.32042.46727. 20547.7246.5110. 7659.6468.4232. 148218.
13 New Fork River below confluence of West and East Forks 12790.12531.16639. 27633.80235.181813. 116202.39376.23239. 25771.21068.15347. 572643.
14 Green River between New Fork River and Piney Creeks 22585.21920.30597. 67358.163844.246144. 196206.73300.42759. 43969.35609.26307. 970598.
15 North Piney Creek 1098.1239.2534. 4341.4520.8033. 8791.5483.1269. 1739.2139.1280. 42466.
16 Middle Piney Creek 756.957.2268. 3711.2335.3786. 8835.6373.1487. 1017.1714.906. 34147.
17 South Piney Creek 1207.1265.2425. 7428.12187.10004. 464.2233.254. 1736.2100.1331. 42636.
18 Green River between Piney Creeks and LaBarge Creek 25639.25376.37819. 82833.163844.246144. 196206.88331.46539. 48767.41698.29860. 1033054.
19 LaBarge Creek 3215.3033.4085. 7269.13312.9118. 6639.4401.3885. 4646.4193.3518. 67314.
20 Green River between LaBarge Creek and Fontenelle Reservoir 28854.28409.41903. 90102.163844.246144. 196206.93447.51012. 53667.45962.33405. 1072953.
21 Fontenelle Creek 1643.1537.2084. 5729.12740.12740. 4518.2062.1765. 2086.1925.1751. 50583.
22 Green River between Fontenelle Reservoir and Big Sandy River 56650.56499.65350. 95495.163844.246144. 196206.105392.61884. 59142.55769.54215. 1216590.
23 Big Sandy River below Farson gage and Green River 1980.2034.4730. 6111.4234.6747. 6033.5123.4542. 3822.3171.2484. 51011.
24 Green River between Big Sandy River and Green River near Green River gage 58891.59204.73947. 99523.163844.251899. 214389.112609.66028. 59142.55769.54255. 1269499.

Table III-13 Available Flow for Green River Basin and Wet Hydrologic Condition
Values in acre-feet
ReachReach NameJan FebMarApr MayJunJul AugSepOct NovDecAnnual
1 Upper Green River above Warren Bridge 7632.6557.8645. 16682.82151.179777. 94945.42993.23604. 11568.9572.9557. 493682.
2 Beaver Creek 723.646.877. 9492.16816.7275. 1228.638.348. 702.913.810. 40467.
3 Green River between Beaver Creek and Horse Creek 8418.7285.9937. 26213.95856.183091. 94945.42993.23910. 12427.10633.10403. 526110.
4 Horse Creek 1248.1322.3731. 6418.22623.31328. 10557.6290.3109. 2571.2328.1132. 92658.
5 Green River between Horse Creek and Cottonwood Creek 9667.8607.13667. 32631.116449.211532. 102314.46854.26812. 14998.12961.11535. 608028.
6 Cottonwood Creek 1294.1442.4508. 12234.19033.24265. 16016.7683.3902. 2985.2790.1284. 97436.
7 Green River between Cottonwood Creek and New Fork River 10961.10048.18176. 44866.134569.234500. 116898.53446.30622. 17982.15751.12819. 700637.
8 West Fork New Fork River above Pine Creek 376.537.1451. 9676.21227.73459. 46053.13197.7022. 5134.3492.1092. 182717.
9 Pine Creek 6218.5813.7292. 15574.37566.124681. 91686.28635.15055. 10975.9145.6934. 359575.
10 Pole Creek 8165.7561.8848. 18843.43672.126058. 108776.35334.15055. 12209.10504.8768. 403794.
11 Boulder Creek 9448.9164.10948. 22327.69011.206329. 154498.49157.24758. 15568.11922.9924. 593052.
12 East Fork New Fork River 2590.1850.6723. 8598.31331.85624. 18685.4659.5067. 7389.5308.4011. 181835.
13 New Fork River below confluence of West and East Forks 13607.12003.23205. 36400.80518.303150. 156347.54412.31838. 27207.20962.16785. 776433.
14 Green River between New Fork River and Piney Creeks 24696.22216.42209. 81345.214246.520231. 273410.108286.62924. 45501.37010.29676. 1461752.
15 North Piney Creek 1387.1554.5142. 2552.6330.21756. 16382.9059.4735. 3277.2656.1229. 76060.
16 Middle Piney Creek 1131.1322.5096. 1495.2798.14140. 13315.9123.4681. 2695.2258.879. 58934.
17 South Piney Creek 1436.1521.4299. 7373.21350.23087. 2666.5132.2480. 2958.2679.1301. 76282.
18 Green River between Piney Creeks and LaBarge Creek 28644.26608.56741. 92758.228370.520231. 307332.132680.75892. 54809.44760.33139. 1601962.
19 LaBarge Creek 3268.3459.5894. 9530.25619.22859. 10135.8637.6493. 4723.3912.2903. 107432.
20 Green River between LaBarge Creek and Fontenelle Reservoir 31912.30067.62635. 102288.228370.520231. 318376.140233.81387. 59707.47877.36075. 1659158.
21 Fontenelle Creek 1792.1628.2520. 9443.23982.26841. 7484.3402.2854. 2072.1858.1710. 85586.
22 Green River between Fontenelle Reservoir and Big Sandy River 55141.53517.77604. 118211.228370.520231. 345100.140233.81387. 79281.47877.55499. 1802451.
23 Big Sandy River below Farson gage and Green River 2232.2192.9553. 12503.8413.19093. 12192.6503.5445. 4322.3995.2623. 89067.
24 Green River between Big Sandy River and Green River near Green River gage 57303.55888.91293. 140212.261167.537167. 345100.140233.81387. 92410.64343.57857. 1924360.

Annual Available Supply - (acre-feet per year)
Basin Dry ConditionNormal Condition Wet Condition
Little Snake189,000 449,000 665,000
Henrys Fork23,000 60,000 125,000
Blacks Fork101,000 229,000 422,000
Green River620,000 1,269,000 1,924,000

Figure III-6 through Figure III-8 show the annual surface water physical availability for dry, wet, and normal year scenarios. The tabulations show annual available supply at the bottom of the system for each basin as follows:

Figure III-6 Available Flow Modeling Results, Dry Year (4 Diagrams)
Modeling Results, Dry Year (Henrys Fork, Little Snake River)
Modeling Results, Dry Year (Blacks Fork)
Modeling Results, Dry Year (Upper Green River)

Figure III-7 Available Flow Modeling Results, Normal Year (4 Diagrams)
Modeling Results, Normal Year (Henrys Fork, Little Snake River)
Modeling Results, Normal Year (Blacks Fork)
Modeling Results, Normal Year (Upper Green River)

Figure III-8 Available Flow Modeling Results, Wet Year (4 Diagrams)
Modeling Results, Wet Year (Henrys Fork, Little Snake River)
Modeling Results, Wet Year (Blacks Fork)
Modeling Results, Wet Year (Upper Green River)

A. Ground Water

The following subsections describe groundwater conditions, groundwater quality, and groundwater development potential in the Greater Green River Basin of Wyoming.

Basin Overview

There has been relatively little development of the groundwater resources of Wyoming's Green River Basin. As a result, information on well yield, aquifer properties, water quality, and recharge and discharge relationships is sparse relative to other, more developed areas of the State. Well yield and aquifer data were inferred from available information from the existing wells and previous studies.

Basin Groundwater Conditions

Eight major aquifer systems have been identified within the study area. These aquifer systems (or in some cases individual aquifers) are identified by the geologic formation within which they occur. This definition allows for a simplified presentation of the relatively abundant and complex aquifers that underlie the Greater Green River Basin.

The eight major water-bearing systems are, in ascending order:

  1. Flathead aquifer;

  2. Paleozoic-age aquifer system (including the Madison Limestone);

  3. (Sundance-) Nugget aquifer system;

  4. Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age aquifers;

  5. Frontier aquifer;

  6. Mesaverde-Adaville aquifers;

  7. Tertiary-age aquifers;

  8. Quaternary-age sands and gravels associated with major river courses through the Basin.

The major aquifer systems are also identified and described in Figure III-9, a Generalized Hydrostratigraphic Column. The majority of the bedrock surface exposures are Cretaceous and Tertiary age rocks. These rocks are host to several important aquifers, including the Frontier aquifer (western part of the Basin), the Mesaverde aquifer system, and the Tertiary aquifer system. The Tertiary aquifer system includes a number of water-bearing formations, including the Green River, Wasatch, Battle Springs, and Fort Union Formations.

Figure III-9 Generalized Hydrostratigraphic Column of the Greater Green River Basin, Wyoming
Generalized Hydrostratigraphic Column
click to enlarge

Groundwater resources of the Basin are largely undeveloped at this time. Ground water is principally used for drinking water supplies and industrial use. The majority of the supplies are developed from Quaternary and Tertiary aquifers. Current groundwater use within the Greater Green River Basin is estimated to be between 5,300 and 7,200 acre-feet per year for all uses (estimates derived in this study).

A plot of well yields derived from the US Geological Survey's Groundwater Site Inventory, or GWSI database, vary over a broad range, as shown in Figure III-10.

Figure III-10 Yields of Wells and Springs, GWSI Database
Yields of Wells and Springs
click to enlarge

Basin Groundwater Quality

Water quality data were obtained from a groundwater quality database (GWSI database) maintained by the U.S. Geological Survey. Data were retrieved for 24 parameters including major cations, major ions, dissolved metals, dissolved solids, pH, and several other parameters that serve as useful indicators of the quality of water. The data obtained for this study contain reports for over 800 analyses obtained from a total of about 600 wells and springs.

A plot of the GWSI database shown in Figure III-11 indicates no apparent tendencies in terms of the concentration of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) by aquifer, nor does there appear to be a conspicuous tendency in the distribution of TDS concentrations across the Basin. Water quality likely varies by location within an aquifer, in relation to the depth of a well, and by aquifer.

Figure III-11 Total Dissolved Solids, Wells and Springs in GWSI Database
Total Dissolved Solids
click to enlarge

Concentrations of TDS exceed the secondary drinking water standard in over one-half the wells sampled. Concentrations of sulfate exceed the secondary drinking water standards in about one-third of the wells sampled. Although these conditions do not necessarily prevent use of the water, there may be limitations on the types of uses for which this water is suitable. The quality of water at several locations is considered poor, and would require extensive treatment to render it suitable for drinking. There are insufficient data available to assess whether alternate groundwater sources of better quality might be available at these locations.

Groundwater Development Potential

There is virtually no information on the overall groundwater basin water budget, such that major inflow and outflow components may be quantified. Accordingly, it is difficult to evaluate the Basin's safe, long-term yield for purposes of defining future groundwater development potential.

The Basin has a total area of about 20,000 square miles (12.8 million acres). However, there are large areas of the Basin in which potential evapotranspiration (ET) significantly exceeds average rainfall. For purposes of this analysis, it is assumed that recharge is effectively zero in areas where ET significantly exceeds rainfall. In the remaining parts of the Basin, mainly the mountain and foothills areas, rainfall exceeds potential (ET). These areas have been mapped and are estimated to have an area of approximately 925,000 acres. The average "surplus" rainfall (where annual rainfall exceeds annual ET) is assumed to be about 6 inches. It is also assumed that approximately 10 percent of the surplus rainfall recharges the groundwater system. This approach yields an estimate of about 50,000 acre-feet per year of groundwater recharge, and is considered to be an approximation of basin groundwater yield. These estimates neglect the potential for interbasin movement of ground water. They also neglect the large quantity of ground water in storage that could potentially be developed without experiencing significant basin-wide impacts.

By comparison, the USGS (Martin, 1996; Glover, et al, 1998) estimates approximately 100,000 acre-feet per year of groundwater recharge by precipitation to the Tertiary-age rocks. For planning purposes, it is concluded that basin yield is on the order of between 50,000 and 100,000 acre-feet per year.

Currently, there is no evidence to suggest over-development of the principal aquifer systems. It may be concluded that there is significant potential for additional development of these aquifer systems, with little risk of depleting this resource. In fact, the lack of over-development means there is a smaller chance that aquifer storage and retrieval techniques will be successful.

There are many factors that may affect future development and availability of groundwater resources. In the case of the Quaternary-age alluvial aquifers, any future development of groundwater resources may be expected to have a direct and near-immediate impact on the adjacent rivers and streams within the alluvial system. Another factor is the potential development of ground water associated with the coal bed methane (CBM) extraction industry.

The extent to which CBM resources are developed will depend on a number of factors, including current and forecasted energy costs, and the economics of the CBM projects. One important factor affecting a project's economics is the quality of water co-produced in the recovery process. The quality of water associated with the coals is reportedly significantly worse in the Greater Green River Basin than in the Powder River Basin. Water quality standards for salinity in the Colorado River System (adopted by each state and approved by the EPA in 1974) may require that the co-produced water be reinjected or treated before discharge. The impacts of the added costs of treatment or reinjection are unclear, but may render some CBM projects uneconomical. At this time, it appears unlikely that the level of development of CBM resources in the Greater Green River Basin will match the levels of development anticipated in the Powder River Basin given current market conditions and environmental mandates.