Wyoming State Water Plan, Wyoming Water Development Office
Rafting on Snake River Lake Marie, Snowy Mountains Wyoming Wind River Range picture

Wind/Bighorn River Basin Advisory Group
Meeting Record
Powell, WY
  September 28, 2004

Facilitator Sherri Gregory welcomed the group and the meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. All attendees introduced themselves, followed by a review of the overall meeting agenda. A sign-in sheet was passed around to record attendance. The next meeting is scheduled for March 22nd in Riverton.

Planning Team Issues - Barry Lawrence, WWDC
Barry introduced Justin Mulbay of WRDS and explained how Justin would be replacing Debra Cook who had moved. Barry then discussed the other basin plans and the status of the current planning processes across the state. He then passed out handouts from the last meeting. [Minutes; Bighorn Canyon Water Quality Monitoring Plan presentation slides - Sue O'Ney, NPS - Tab Mc - Water Quality; Snow Telemetry and 2004 Season Recap presentation slides - Dave Taylor, NRCS - Tab M - Water Quantity and Occurrence; and Midvale Conservation Program presentation slides - Brad Anderson, Anderson Consulting - Tab M - Water Quantity and Occurrence]. There is nothing additional to disseminate at this time.

Wapiti Ridge CRM - Bernie Spanogle, WRCRM
Bernie gave a powerpoint show on this planning effort and discussed the changing land values in the area. He went thru the goals and objectives of the program and work still to be completed. He discussed conflicts through elk/cattle interactions and a loss of habitat. A brief discussion followed Bernie's remarks. There were no handouts, however, this presentation has been provided in soft copy format and is available online. See Tab H (Other Water Planning Efforts).

Heart Mountain Grass Bank - Laura Bell, Nature Conservancy
Laura showed a video and had one summary handout of this conservation program. She explained the concept of providing forage as an asset...to bank it, and put it to use for other purposes. A brief Q&A followed Laura's presentation. See Tab S (Environmental/Recreational).

Deaver Irrigation District Mapping Project - Susan Patterson, Deaver Irrigation District and Lynn Stutzman, Engineering Associates
Susan and Lynn utilized autocad, spreadsheets and a powerpoint show to present information about this project. There was a considerable amount of show and tell, but no handouts. They showed example photos, district inventory information, land classification maps, and went through a general overview as to how the information was gathered and then put into the GIS system. They concluded by discussing future plans for the project. A considerable amount of discussion followed this joint presentation.

Water Year 2004 Recap - Loren Smith, State Engineer's Office
Loren gave a brief powerpoint show which recapped the past season's operations and regulations in the basin. There were no handouts. Loren discussed the moving of gages, Greybull River leveling, Bull Lake, access to water by Riverton Valley, Midvale and LeClair, the general adjudication, and the establishment of the first CBM reservoir in the basin (near Hudson). A brief discussion followed Loren's remarks. There were no handouts, however, this presentation has been provided in soft copy format and is available online. See Tab N (Water Law).

Winter Season Outlook - Jim Fahey, National Weather Service
Jim gave a powerpoint presentation which discussed the past season (streamflow trends, temperatures, etc.) and gave a seasonal drought outlook. He then discussed the various NWS data streams and products available. A brief Q & A followed Jim's presentation. There were no handouts, however, this presentation has been provided in soft copy format and is posted online. See Tab M (Water Quantity and Occurrence).

Public Comment Period
There were no public comments at this time.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m.